Chapter 26

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                                                        ***IMPORTANT A/N***

***Okay, So, I know some of you were probably wanting a sex scene this chapter, but I couldn't think of how to incorporate one so that it flowed nicely, so there will be no sex scene in this chapter.***

Lucy's P.O.V.

Saturday, all we did was watch movies and eat and talk of course. I really got to know the some of the pack members, they were really cool. It was a lot of fun, but now it's Sunday and I have to go home, back to my house. 

Colin drops me off and I head inside. I hear my mom in the kitchen, so i head up stairs and drop my stuff off.

I sit on my bed and pick up a book. That's when I hear someone do a fake cough. I look up and notice it's my mom.

She looks at me, shocked. "You've been marked?" She asked incredulous. I have a feeling it wasn't actually a question.

"Um, yeah." I say. How did she know? There's not a mark.

"I know, because I can smell it. Once one is marked by there mate, there senses become one basically. Your scent has changed. The power radiating off of you has also become much stronger. You're a luna."

"Oh... Well, I guess I am."

She smiles. "I'm not happy that your mate has already marked you, but I am happy that you're a Luna. Now, maybe, just maybe, our family can be part of a pack again. It's been forever since I've been in a pack." 

"I'm sure Colin wouldn't mind you guys being in his pack."

"Honey, it's your pack too, you know."

"Oh, well, he wouldn't mind you guys being in our pack. I mean, you are my family after all. Though, I'm not sure how the other's would take it."

"Wait? Did you say his name's Colin? As in Colin Lunarmoon?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, I don't know, probably because he is your teacher!"

"Well, he's also my mate!"

"Ugh! I know that he's your mate. At least he's a very powerful alpha and will be able to protect you. Oh, and actually, your father and I have been thinking about moving."

"What?!?! You were just saying how you guys could become part of the pack!"

"Well, that was before I knew who your mate was!"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, for you that is, but I've had a few run-ins with his father in the past and I refuse to be a part of that pack."

"Well, what about me?"

"You can't leave, cause if you do, then you could very well die now that you're mated."

"So, you guys are just going to leave me?"

"Yes. Sorry sweetheart, but we have to. Now pack up your stuff and move in with him. My your father and siblings are going to start moving this week."

"Where are you guys going?"

"None of your business. All you need to know is that we are moving away from here."

"Fine! Fuck you too MOM!" I say with spite. I then start to pack my stuff up as my mother leaves my room. When I gather the stuff I'll need, I call Colin and he picks me up and I officially move in with him...

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Love y'all!

Hope you enjoyed!

Question time!

How did you guys enjoy?

I know I loved writing this book.

***Oh, just so you know, this is not the end of her story, just the end off the book. I had to leave it off with the cliff hanger, sorry!***

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