Chapter 25

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Okay, so I was gonna try to make this a really good, really mature sex scene, but I can't quite figure out how to word it, I've got lots of stuff in my mind, but at the same time, I can't seem to put it into words... Which is why I haven't wrote anything in this book lately... So if anyone would like to help me with that, that would be great... If you help me then I'll dedicate a chapter to you, promise, But for now, I'm just gonna skip it...

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Love, I would like if we could finish the mating process." Colin said as we got into his room and he closed and locked his door. I was confused, not gonna lie. I thought that we already had...

"What do you mean, Colin? Didn't that already happen?"

"No, sweetheart, it takes more than just having sex, that is a part of, but not enough to finish it."

"Then what do we need to do? To complete it, I mean." I asked skeptically.

He walk toward me then and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and looked at me with the most loving expression anyone could ever have while he softly stroked my neck. He looked me intently in the eyes as he asked, "Do you trust me?"

"Well, yeah... You're my mate, I trust you with my life" He nodded and had a little smile on his face. Then he brought his face to my neck and kissed the base on my neck tenderly. 

Then I felt something sharp and froze. What is he doing? 

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. He bit me! The hell!

"What was that! Why the hell did you bite me!" I scream at him, utterly confused.

"Shh, love, I'm sorry, but I had to." He looked at me looking crushed, because he caused me pain, at least that's what I'm assuming. I wasn't having it tho. He fucking bit me! Who the hell does that?!?!

Sweetheart. Can you please stop with the yelling. It was part of the mating process, I had to, you said that you trust me, so trust me now, please? 

I looked around, confused as to where that came from.

It's me, Colin, I'm speaking to you in your mind, I can do this now, cause the mating bond is now complete, we did do it out of order from most, but the bite on the neck completed our bond none-the-less... You can speck to me in your mind to... As well as anyone in the pack, cause you are now the Luna... Anybody can speak to and you can speak to anybody else now, as long as they are in the pack that is. It's called mindlink. You've got a family mindlink, but only if they are wolves, a pack mindlink, and a mate mindlink. 

Really? Can you hear me?

Yes, I can hear you, loud and clear. As well as the whole pack, you need to direct your thoughts at me and only me.

Wait, that doesn't explain why I could talk to Kelly in my mind the day I shifted.

That was because you were in wolf form, that's how all wolves communicate, we don't have any other way to talk to each other if we need to, if we are in wolf form.

Oh, wow...

I love you Lucy and I'm sorry that I caused you pain.

It's okay, I think I understand why you had to... Not gonna lie this is pretty awesome. Colin chuckled then.

Yeah, I guess it is pretty awesome, and you know you are adorable when you make those faces when you try to concentrate. Awe, now you're blushing!

I glared at him, cause it was obvious he was teasing me and I don't like the idea of him teasing me and not being able to refute anything he said, I know the truth behind what he just said. I was making faces and I was also blushing, no denying that...

"Stop glaring!"

"Why should I?" I ask.

"Cause, it looks like you are trying to be mad, but you are failing miserably and I hate seeing you suffer... Even though it's adorable."

I continued to glare.

That's when he stepped towards me with a playful look in his eyes. Then he picked me up and put me on the bed where he started to tickle me.

"Stop it!" I yelled in between laughs. He just laughed.

"You're ticklish! Really ticklish..."

"So what! Stop! Please! I don't like it!"

He chuckled a little, still with the playful look in his eyes, but he stopped and kissed me passionately, but I could feel the playfulness behind it as well...

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Love y'all!

Hope you'r enjoying!

Question time!

Are you people ticklish?

I'm not, never have been, never will be, It kinda frustrates my boyfriend tbh...

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