Chapter 4

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Lucy's p.o.v

The next three classes went on as usual... Boring...

By the end of fifth I was so excited to get to lunch, I was practically bouncing on the edge of my seat... When the bell signalling the end of class I sprung for the door... I didn't think I was that fast, to be honest. I was out of the door in a split sec, almost running to my locker. I NEED food... I quickly drop my books off and grab my books for my next class... I then hurry and drop my books off outside of the room.

I rush down stairs and see that Kelly is already there with a guy? first of all how did she get there so fast and second of all who the fuck is the guy with her. I've never seen him before.

Kelly sees me and waves me over. I walk toward them, still perplexed about the guy.

"What up?" Kelly ask.

"Nothin', you?" I respond.

"Same, just talking to my cousin. Lucy this is Alex, Alex this is Lucy." She introduced us.

"Nice to meet ya." He said with a small smirk on his face.

"I didn't know Kelly had a cousin around here."

"Me and my sister's just moved here."

"Awesome, I hope you like it here."

"I think I'll like it, I think I'll like it here very much."

"Kay, that's good."

"Nichole and Valerie should be getting here any minute..." Kelly stated as I see Lily, Mark, and two others coming towards us...

Vote and comment please!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. And I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short, I just wanted to get it out there... I'll try to update more often, It's just I'm really lazy and always really tired, so i don't really want to do anything...

Hope you're enjoying, though!!!

Okay, question time!!!

What are your guy's zodiac's?

Mine's a leo. I was born on August 22nd, so I was born in between signs, and boy am I glad I wasn't born a day later, cause then I'd have to share a zodiac with my mother and I really don't like her... sooo... yeah...

The picture are of the people that I based Nichole, Valerie, Alex, and Kelly off of. Nichole is my friend kenzie (mixed one), then Valerie is Lexi (one in the hate),
Alex is my boyfriend Chase, and then Kelly is my little sister Nevaeh (one with long blonde hair and no hat)...

My New LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon