Chapter 2

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After class*Lucy's p.o.v*

"I'll wait for you." Kelly says as she leaves the room.

When everyone leaves the room, I walk up to Mr.Silver's desk.

"Ms.Matthews... Do you have any thing to say for yourself?"

"I was looking at a picture I drew, that I didn't remember drawling, I looked into it's eyes and it looked so familiar, but I don't remember drawling it, the eyes hold the essence of the soul, so it's like I actually caught some of that essence in them. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, Mr.Silver, but it was like I was caught in a trance or something, I couldn't help it."

"Okaaay..." He was not expecting that, I could tell. Hell, I wasn't expecting it, But as I said the words I could feel the truth behind them. It was weird, It hadn't felt like I was staring at the eyes that long. "We'll you can come by at the end of the day to get your, ummm..., sketchbook."

"Okay, I truly am sorry, Mr.Silver."

"Just don't let it happen again, Lucy, or got detention."

"It won't, I promise."

I walk out of the room, but bump right into the wall and fall on to my butt.

"Ouch!" I yelp.

"Oh, sorry!" A voice says, not just any voice though, it was a dark, sexy, seductive, voice. I look up and am meet by the bluest blue eyes I have ever seen. "Mine" The guy that's not a wall, just feels like one, whispered. What the fuck he talking about? He clears his throat and bends down to help me up. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention, I was trying to find room B 205, do you know where that is?"

"Actually, I'm headed there now. By the way it was my fault, I wasn't paying any attention."

"Why don't we just say it was both of our faults, agreed?"

"Deal!" We start to walk towards the science room, B 205. Which just so happens to be my favorite class. When we get there, I headed in after he said that he'd be in, in a few.


Colin's p.o.v(the guy she bumped into)

I was walking around trying to find room B 205 when the most delicious smell hits my nose, I of course follow it. I'm outside room B 238, when this girl comes flying out of the room, well you know not actually flying, but she came out super fast, especially for a human. She ran right into me. I noticed she has golden blonde hair, and is probably about 5'4". No older than sixteen.

When she ran into me she went falling to her ass, "Ouch!" She yelped, she has a magnificent beautiful voice.

"Oh, sorry!" I say, she looks up into my eyes, and I stare into her beautiful green eyes. My wolf starts screaming in my head, "Mate, mate, mate! You found our mate!" I tell my wolf, Colton, to shut up. "Mine," I whispered. I clear my throat and bend down to help her up as I say "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I was trying to find room B 205, do you know where that is?"

"Actually, I'm actually headed there now. By the way it's my fault, I wasn't paying attention." She said in her musical voice. I got a beautiful mate.

"Why don't we just say it was both of our faults, agreed?" I know it was her fault, but I know we could probably be here all day if we don't finish this right now.

"Deal!" She said, then I followed her to the classroom, I told her I'd be in, in a few, and she went in, I waited till right before the bell rang and walked in...















Hope your enjoying it so far, I know that I'm enjoying writing it!!!!



Favorite desert? Mine's Ice Cream!!!🍪🍰🍫🍩🍦

Colin up above^

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