Chapter 10-Finally Meeting!

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A pretty long chapter! Thanks for the 1000++views omg. Much love for my readers! Do comment about my story(or at least say hi so I can say hi back HAHA) and follow me! Thank you, have a great day ahead.

Halla's POV

I looked at the clock on the wall of my room. Oh my, it's time to go and meet that friend. I hope it's not going to be awkward!

I wore a plain white tee shirt with black jeans and blue converse shoes. I tied my hair into a ponytail and wore a cute mask. Beneath that mask, it was my natural face with no make up. The mask. To hide my identity. Only when I'm with him. I can't afford to get caught on cameras. Although we're not dating.

"Unnie, I'm leaving! See you," I told Min Ju unnie and rushed to open the door.

"Take care, Halla. Say to him that if anything happens, MinJu Noona will haunt him," MinJu unnie laughed.

I hurriedly walked towards the entrance of my company. From a far, I could spot a familiar figure. Is it him?

I came closer and true enough, it was him. Guess what? We wore similar outfits. He was wearing a white tee shirt with jeans and black converse shoes. He wore a beanie as well. Way to go. People will get more suspicious of us.

He looked up and upon seeing me, he smiled brightly and waves.

"Hi! Halla, it's great to see you!" he said but soon, he frowned.

"What's wrong?" I mumbled through my mask.

He came closer and took off my mask. He handed it to me and I stared at him.

"We are not dating right? So, we don't have to hide anything. It's more suspicious when you do that," he said and winked.

"Furthermore, you're hiding your beautiful face," he added casually.

I glared at him. "Of course, we are not dating. However, cameras and people are everywhere, sunbae," I said, emphasizing on the dating part.

"Then I'll say that we are friends to anyone who is curious," he smiled.

Jung Kook's POV

I was really delighted to see her. I felt like hugging her the moment I saw her. No way, Jung Kook. Only friends.

The fact that we are wearing similar outfits made my day too.

"Hey, where are we going?" she brought me back to reality.

I smiled.

"Secret. Follow me," I went closer and stood beside her. She stared at me with a curious look. I linked arms with her.

"What are you doi-"

"Shh, let's go," I said and started walking to the special place.

While walking, I decided to start a conversation.

"Do you miss me when your promotions ended?" I asked cheekily.

"Of course... Not," she chuckled.

"I do miss you though. I wanted to see more of your falls on stage," I told her with a straight face. I'm mean.

She looked at me with her death stare.
"Excuse me?" she snapped.

I laughed. "That's what you get when you joke with me," I said.

"That's a bit harsh, Mr. Jeon. Do you know that I cried because of that?" She said.

"Those times are over, so, I'm proud of you actually for overcoming that," I assured her.

She smiled.

"Thank you,sunbae," she said.

"You can call me by my name only you know, or op-"

"I'll call you by your name. Keep dreaming, I'm not going to call you that," she said bluntly.

I pretended to be sad.

"Oh we are here, Miss Halla," I said, showing her my favourite cafe.

I opened the door and chose a seat way inside the cafe beside a white wall. This cafe is special because one can actually write on the walls-wishes, own thoughts, or merely anything.

The seats are comfortable as well along with the simple design of motivational quotes on the walls.

Furthermore, most people who are here are working adults who just wish to relax. It's quite empty at times. It's not full of fans, thankfully.

"Hey, want to write something?" I asked her who is sitting in front of me.

"We'll keep that for later, can we?" She said and I nodded my head.

"Nice place! I've never been here," she said.

Soon, the waiter arrived and took our orders.

"We'll have two strawberry pies, two sandwiches and two cups of ice chocolate. Thank you," I said.

"Oh and it's my treat," he added.

"Thank you, my friend! However, that's a lot. I'm not supposed to eat that much," she sighed.

"If your manager oppa scold you, give him my number and I'll talk to him," I said.

"You can't even look at MinJu unnie in the eyes when she's angry, Jung Kook. Manager oppa is worse when he's angry," she said and laughed.

I smiled sheepishly.

The food and drinks arrived and we began to talk and talk about our lives while eating. About how she initially planned to be an actress. About how I entered Bangtan just like that. About how she had to take painkillers when dancing to a boy group dance because it's too tiring. And lots more.

I love hearing her voice and she seems so passionate about being an idol.

We stopped talking but I had a burning question. Should I ask her now? It's now or never.

Halla's POV

The food was amazing and so is the guy in front of me. He's such a nice person to talk to. Soon, he was staring at me with an intense gaze.

"What?" I asked.

"I stalked your instagram," he admitted.

I laughed. "Actually me too," I said. He's cute, so of course it's a must to stalk!

He sighed in relief.

"I saw this picture of you holding someone's hand. Is that your boyfriend?" He asked with a serious look.

I gulped. How should I answer this? That person is a very close friend and someone dear to me. I don't want to reveal his identity.

"No, it's my brother," I lied. It's not.



"Sorry for asking. I want to ensure that you are not being treated badly by a jerk or something," he said.

I froze.

"Let's write something on the wall now," I said, changing the topic, and took a marker on the table.

I wrote,"To more happy days and thanks Kookie for today!"

"I can call you that right?" I asked.

"Of course, it's cuter," he said.

He wrote,"To more lovely days with lovely Halla!"

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