About Me-A Cup of Tea

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Not an update!
I was tagged by @yoon_zara01!


-Post all the rules
-Tag 13 people
-Once tagged, list down 13 facts about yourself
-The tagged person also write down 13 questions for the tagged people
-The tagged person can't refuse to comply with the rules
-We can tag people back
-This must be done within a week
-A unique title must be created when you write your 13 facts

1.How long have you been in kpop life?
I've started liking KPop in 2009 but I stopped in 2011. Eventually, I fell in love again in late 2013 until now!

2. Rookie groups that catch your attention the most?
The Ark and Seventeen!

3. Favourite 95-liners idol(s)?

4. Do you like The Maze Runner series books?
Not into them.

5. Pick a song that describe your feels at the moment...
Airplane by Ikon.

6. What's your thoughts about sasaeng and rude fans?
I actually watched a video(like a mini documentary) about them before and I find it ridiculous. I feel that fans should know the boundaries between a fan and an idol. I feel that they are a threat and they should tone down a bit so that idols can have a more peaceful and safe lives.

7. Your first bias in Kpop..
SiWon from Super Junior but I stopped liking him lmao.

8. Who is the prettiest Kpop idol?
This is pretty subjective and I feel that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. If I had to choose one, it will be Hyorin from Sistar. She's not the conventional pretty in Korea(I have no idea why) but I find her gorgeous. Her looks, her voice and her personality. Would totally ask her out. Lmao

9. Who is the most handsome Kpop idol?
Again, I feel that everyone is good looking in their own ways. I would choose MyungSoo aka L from Infinite. He's bae.

10. Jung Kook x Halla or JungKook x Yein?
JK x Halla although ironically, I feel that the three of them could pass off as siblings!

11. Write down your Top3 movies...
1. Harry Potter
2. Percy Jackson
3. Chicken Little

12. Favourite Pairings
Myself with pizza and food XD
MyungStal and HallaKook
(I'm not that hardcore though)

13. What great quote would you like to share?
"Life may be tough but one can always find happiness amidst those tough times" - Me lol
"You may fall but you can rise also" - Some famous person(this is legit okay!! HAHA)

13 facts about myself!
1. I may seem really cold and quiet but I'm just awkward actually.

2. I used to write stories on my exercise books and I brought it along with me everywhere I go.

3. I'm currently in my second year of Junior College and I don't have the courage to face my exams this year. I'm already feeling exhausted from studying.

4. I went to Infinite concert last year and I had so much fun!!( PCD was really bad though)

5. I am bad at sports.

6. I started liking kpop again because I found MBLAQ's live performance of a song which I really love. (if you come into my heart) Check it out, it's awesome!

7. I like about 8 kpop groups now but my top two is Infinite and Sistar.

8. I'm short but rad.

9. I love to daydream.

10. I love the colour pink and green.

11. I can do foot split.

12. I want to buy a new bicycle so that I can cycle around my neighbourhood when I feel like it. My old bicycle is old and not in working condition although it's still outside my house.

13. I am grateful for my readers(yes, you guys!) Much love 💕

I know I am supposed to comply with the rules but I won't be tagging 13 specific people. (I don't know who to tag plus it might be a bother) So... I'll just tag you readers! If you feel like doing this(it's pretty fun!), just do okay and say that you're tagged by me! 😎 If not, it's okay! I'll tag someone though.
pinkmasked (I tag you because I follow you and you always comment 😂) If you don't want to do, it's okay!

13 questions for tagged people(you!)
1. How did you know about Kpop?
2. What is the first Kpop song you listened to?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. What is your ultimate favourite group?
5. What is your favourite book?
6. Which country are you from?
7. What are your thoughts on idols dating?
8. What is your hobby?
9. Have you been to any kpop concert?
10. What is your favourite song as of now?
11. If you had to choose between a picture, a high-5 and an autograph of your idol only, which one would you choose?
12. What is your age?
13. Do you enjoy reading my story and why?


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