Chapter 1

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The One That Got Away

Chapter 1

I walked through the door hand in hand with Carla. Carla was my new flat mate. We knew each other in high school but weren’t close, since she was the only person I knew coming to SBU we moved in together.

As a person Carla was someone you would certainly do a double take when you saw her. She was just beautiful. It’s only our third day on campus and she’s already been asked out on dates by at least seven different guys, unluckily for them, she’s taken by her high school sweetheart, Mason.

The lecturer wasn’t in class yet so Carla and I made our way to the back of the classroom where a bunch of other students were sitting and plunked down on our desks.

Ten minutes later, I was becoming irritated. What kind of lecturer doesn’t show up for their first class? I need to keep all my grades up seeing as I’m on scholarship and if I slip up because of ‘Mr.too good to show up’ I would be really –


I turned to look at Carla with a questioning look on my face when she pointed to the front of the class, fanning herself with her other hand.

Turning my head I saw a guy walking towards the desk. He seemed to be a couple years older, someone taking the class at an older age I suppose. Looking at him once more I notice his appearance. He was well over six feet, not too built but just right, his hair seemed to be just cut and suited him perfectly just the way it was, his eyes, I could have gotten lost in them, they were so open, so welcoming, a beautiful shade of green which I had never seen before seemed just perfect on him.

Trailing my eyes over the rest of his body I noticed he was in a grey suit, honestly, who wears a suit on the first day of univer-

“Sorry I’m late, I was on my way over here a couple minutes before the lesson was actually meant to start to set up, but unfortunately there was an accident outside my office and I couldn’t just walked by so I took the person involved to the nurse. Sorry oo by the way I’m Vincent Mava, but Mr.Mava to you all!”

Wait what? He’s our lecturer? He’s so young, so handsome. I wasn’t expecting this, I don’t know what I was expecting, but this wasn’t it. Truthfully I hoped I wouldn’t have any one good looking in this class, as I knew I would get distracted, but having a handsome teacher? Goodness I’m not going to have an idea what will be going on during the lesson!

Discreetly turning my gaze to Carla I see her smiling at me with a knowing smile. With her, I feel like an open book.

Mr.Mava turned away from us and walked towards his desk, sitting on it and started talking to us about what he expects from us and what he would like us to achieve by the end of the year.

The class was pretty uneventful but I sometimes caught him gazing at me from the corner of his eyes, which would send me into another day dream all together!

This class is going to be way to tough for my liking, not that I’m complaining if I get to stare at Mr.Mava for a whole hour every morning!  

CHAPTER 1 WOOOOOOP. don't know if its any good so please leave feedback and tell me what you think xx

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