Chapter 8

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this chapter is dedicated to vampires18, thank you SO much for fanning! it means SO much to me!

hope you enjoy this chapter!

Picture of Vivi on the sideee -> :)

The One That Got Away

Chapter 8

The rest of the week of lecturers past quickly. Vivi was being extra sweet , if that was even possible! It was Friday night and we were planning on spending the night at his apartment and leaving to his home to see his mum early Saturday, to arrive just after lunchtime.


“Hey, what do you prefer, ready made chicken keeves or should I get the stuff we need to make them?”

Gosh, he really sucked at cooking

“Ready made”

We’ve been at the store for over half an hour buying stuff for tonight and also some treats for the car drive tomorrow. It was raining out so we decided to go down to the local store a block away. I know, all the students shop there, but honestly I just can’t be bothered anymore. I have a boyfriend, he happens to be a lecturer, get over it. Noone’s really said anything but quite a few of my class mates have seen us together and given us disapproving looks, its not like I’m underage and are age difference is only that of four years, so their opinion is irrelevant.

Feeling someone tap my shoulder I turned round with the shock

Vivi was staring at me with a smirk on his face

“You were kind of out of it”


Sensing my confusion he continued

“I asked if you wanted to go and get the wine or whatever from the n ext isle whilst I get some other stuff from here”

When did that go down? I really need to stop day dreaming!

“Yeah sure, what would you prefer?”


Looking up towards Vivi’s face I saw a huge grin on his face, what’s that about?

I couldn’t help but smile back, it was just contagious.

Placing his hands on my hips and bringing his lips to mine, he let out a victorious moan. Now I get it.

Trailing my hands along his chest and around his neck I let him dominate the kiss, which was turning deeper by the second.

After a while of randomly making out in the local store he pulled out of the kiss and placed his forehead on mine

“Chop, chop”

I couldn’t stop the little giggle that escaped my lips

“I’ll get both then!”

It wasn’t as if we wouldn’t drink them, and plus we could always keep a bottle in the fridge. Or I might just take it in my carrier tomorrow, just in case something happens whilst we’re at his mum’s house.

I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop thinking about what his mum was gonna be like. Vivi placed her on a pedestal so I guess she’s pretty great, but what if she doesn’t like me? Vivi assured me she’d love me, later adding that if she didn’t she’ll keep it to herself. I didn’t want that. I wanted her to like me! Gosh, I’m going a little over the top here. So what if she doesn’t like me? It’s not like she’s the one I’m going out with for goodness sake! Just keep thinking that Maria, you’re doing great!

I kept thinking about his mum all the way through dinner, and she even popped up in my head whilst watching television afterwards. Luckily she didn’t turn up when I entered ‘my side of the bed’, weird huh?! Although she did pop up when I tried falling asleep. She successfully managed to keep me awake for a good four hours, not that her son noticed. Vivi was such a heavy sleeper, it was so cute, he’d cuddle into me, as I do him, then let out a little snore.

During these four hours of not sleeping, I perved on my boyfriend who was sleeping on my side, how sad is that? I did notice a few things I wouldn’t have know otherwise though! I noticed the way his hand would sometimes touch mine, then he’d lean in close to me and hold me tightly, like he never wanted me to leave, like he placed his hand through his hair , messing it up. I also noticed the way he wouldn’t use any blanket, I knew he only did this just because I was there, he told me that he loves cuddling with his blanket because he gets cold easily, but when I’m there he doesn’t use it, to make sure I’m warm, I think, which I find really sweet!

After looking at him and worrying about the day after my eyes finally started to droop and sleep quickly came.


I woke up the next morning being squished; it wasn’t in a ‘pain’ kind of way, but more of a comforting way. I slowly opened my eyes and a small smile instantly spread on my face, Vivi was lying on top of me like a star fish.

I watched him again for a couple of minutes before moving slowly to get out of bed, Vivi obviously didn’t even move.

I washed and dressed then went to wake up Vivi as we’d have to leave in about an hour and a bit, and he’d need to get ready.

“Sleepyhead wake up”

He turned his head up to face me and smiled a heart stopping smile at me, I was so focused on his smile I didn’t see his hands on my hips pulling me down to him. He kissed me and due to the shock I let out a small squeak which he took to his advantage to search my mouth, with his tongue.

How did he taste so good after a nights sleep?


“I just have the treats to take down to the car, then we can go”

“I’ve got them here, I’ll bring them down with me”

I couldn’t stop the smile that was spread across my face, although I was nervous I was so pleased I was gonna meet his mum!

Vivi came into the living room, pulling me up from the sofa and giving me a soft kiss before asking if I was ready to go

“Ready as I’d ever be”

With a smile on his face, we left the apartment and started our journey to his home.

Well, there’s no turning back now.

Time to meet his mum. 

i knowwwwww, this chapter was meant to be 'meet the mum' but this is kinda just a filler chapter as i wanted you guys to see their relationship abitttt!

hope you like itt, please comment,vote and fan! :)

The One That Got AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon