Chapter 20

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The One That Got Away

Chapter 20

Sitting on my bed waiting for Vivi to come out I couldn't stop my thoughts from drifting to what Matthew had told me a few minutes ago.

Its not like I was just 'doing' my teacher at uni, I was getting a degree in business for crying out loud! I'd like to see that sucker do something with his life, rather then take out all his bottled up anger on me.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Vivi was out of the shower, until he started singing Britney's 'oops I did it again', also adding a little dance, whilst in the nude.

I couldn't stop the full out laugh from escaping, honestly, who sings britney whilst looking for boxers?

Vivi turned to look at me with a scowl on his face " don't be hating. You're just jealous you can't pull off Britney as well as I can "

"Yeah right, you're lucky you've got a pretty face" I rolled my eyes to let him know I was joking. He knew he was good looking, however he wasn't an egotistic jerk about his good looks and didn't think highly about himself, which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him.

Who knows why he fell in love with me ?

"I know why I fell in love with you" I looked up at Vivi, gosh I really need to pay more attention and keep my thoughts in my head! I might just say something embarrassing..again.

I continued to go along with it, once I asked, I might as well get an answer "yeah, why would you fall in love with a girl like me? "

By this time Vivi was standing right infront of me in nothing but boxers and low cut jeans which did not stop me from ogling my sexy boyfriend. He took my chin in his hand so I would look at him "why wouldn't I fall in love with a girl like you? You're beautiful. You're smart and you're excellent in the bedroom department" Vivi let out a laugh at the end, to show me that he was playing around, but I sure hope he wasn't joking.

"You should be a comedian"

"As long as I make your frown into a smile I'm happy. Why were you sad before baby?"

Heh, well I guess I'm really bad at masking my emotions. Might as well tell him what Matt said. It was still slightly getting to me anyway. "Matt said that all I'm doing at uni is doing my teacher, and I know it shouldn't affect me, but it does. I'm just being a baby"

He cupped my cheeks and wiped away tears I didn't know I had let fall until that moment "your brothers just angry at the moment and he's taking it out on your because he thinks you're an easy target. However, I know that you don't think you're wasting your time, and I sure as hell hope that I'm right, as I, not as your teacher, but as your partnet, hope to spend the rest of my life with you. So if you're wasting your time 'doing' me, I hope you continue doing so forever"

I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my face, how could I get so lucky? How I would love to spend the rest of my life with this guy.

Vivi continued after I didn't reply, as I was too much in shock "so, are you going to kiss me orrrr?"

Gosh I love this guy!


Walking out of my bedroom a few minutes after my talk with Vivi I was more confident than ever, so when Matt told me to get lost he wasn't expecting my reply.

"I should get lost? Honestly, how dare you say that? I am trying to help you and you act like a complete loser! I get that you were upset after dad passed, we all were, but we did the best we could to move on. You, you didn't did you? You found every excuse you could to forget, drugs, alcohol, you name it, yet have you forgotten? Because the only think I think you've forgotten is who you are! My baby brother that I would do anything for is no longer here, but replaced with an arrogant jerk, now either you can grow a pair and let me help you, or I'd tell mum right now and she can deal with you and your bull! I've had enough!" Wow, all that came out of my mouth before I even had enough time to think about what I was going to say, but I don't regret it one bit.

"Vivi, Matt, we're going shopping. Mum is getting her boyfriend over for dinner tonight and we need to make a good impression!" With that, I walked down the stairs, grabbed the car keys from the counter and walked out the door.

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