Chapter 12

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thank you so much for reading guys. please comment and vote thought :)

Sorry it's short. 

The One That Got Away

Chapter 12

We spent the rest of the day in bed, cuddling and talking. I felt so relaxed, so at ease. It felt so right to be with Vivi. As cliché as it might sound, he was what I needed, wanted even, to make my life seem complete.

We went down for dinner at around 8, dinner would have been fifteen minutes after, but Caroline was a really sweet woman and I really enjoyed her company. I helped her set the table, for four. That means Ben would be coming back, seeing as I haven’t seen or heard from him since this morning’s incident. Gosh I really hope everything will work itself out, I feel so humiliated.

We were saying grace, before starting our meal of chicken and potatoes, when the door opened. Ben walked into the dining room and I immediately gasped. When Vivi said that Ben was getting groceries I didn’t get that that was code for ‘I-broke-my-brothers-nose-so-he’s-at-hospital’. He looked so broken, so sad. His eyes no longer had the bright gleam, they seemed so common, something I wasn’t used to seeing when looking into Ben’s eyes. I felt somewhat sorry, and ashamed. Why was I such a drama queen! I could have let it be! They seemed so close as a family, but looking over at Vivi all I could say was, if looks could kill Ben would be dead.

I squezzed Vivi’s hand from under the table, only now noticing that the noise at the table had stopped. I didn’t want Vivi to argue with Ben, even after everything. I wasn’t mad anymore, hell it even brought me the best day of my life barely a couple of hours after. Vivi was honestly the best thing in my life, so having experienced what I just had with him, brought a smile to my face.

Caroline broke the silence by telling Ben to get some potatoes from the oven and join us. Although the silence was broken, the tension was still visible. Vivi looked at me with a sad smile on his face, almost one of apology. He looked so hurt, I just wanted to kiss away his frown lines and make everything better.

Deciding that I had to talk to Ben I excused myself from the table and made my way to the kitchen. Ben was standing with his back towards me, his face in his hands. Even though he had broken my heart, all those years ago, and again this morning, I couldn’t face him like this. My feelings towards him are completely gone, but he will always remain my first love. I just hope that his brother will be my last.


When I spoke Ben jumped, almost a foot in the air. I started giggling. He seemed so different from when I knew him.

“Maria, I’m so sorry”

I knew he was, the sincerity in his voice was clear. I forgave him right on the spot. If we hadn’t broke up, maybe we’d still be together now, and me and Vivi wouldn’t be, which made my heart break just thinking about it.

“It’s fine, it really is”

Although I tried speaking those words with confidence my voice broken slightly towards the end.

“I loved you so much, I was a stupid teenager. If I could go back and change what I did, I’d do it in a heartbeat” Still the charmer I see.

“I know you would. It’s fine really. After you left I thought I was never going to find anyone as precious as you, but now, I did. Hell, I’m so in love with your brother, it’s crazy. What’s even crazier is that he’s your brother. I’m so sorry”

Saying those last three words I completely broke down. I don’t know why but I truly was sorry, for everything that had happened.

“Hey Mia it’s fine. He loves you too, I know he does. Just the way he looks at you is a clear sign that he adores you. Please stop crying, you know I can’t stand to see you cry”

Mia. I haven’t been called that in years. Everyone used to call me Mia but when me and Ben split, the nickname left with him. It felt so nice being called that again, I couldn’t stop the smile spread across my face.

It’s true, he hated it when I used to cry. He always used to hold me towards his chest and tell me it was going to be fine, like he was doing right now.

Honestly, I believed him, I knew I should, everything was going to be fine. What’s done is done, we learn from our past, and I truly regret nothing of it.

Looking up at Ben I gave him a grin.

“Thank you Ben. I really do miss having you around you know, you were a great friend, sometimes”

We both started laughing then, making our way back to the dining room with smiles on our faces.

Gosh, i imagine Ben and Maria to have been way cute together in High School.

what do you think Maria should have done?

should she have forgiven him?

should she have cried some more?

Shoulld she have hit him?

please tell me what you think, i love hearing other people's ideas!

if i was in a situation like that, i'd probably have gone for the last two to be honest hehe

i might write a story about them, kind of a prequel to this one, but not right now as i've got another story on my mind also.

i'll tell you more about them in future chapters!

I will be uploading about once a week from now on, as i'm very busy.

hope you guys don't mind the wait.

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