chapter 19

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i know you guys hate me, however don't blame me, blame Jules130. i'm so in love with her writing i just forget to write. Go read her books if you don't already dooo!

The One That Got Away

Chapter 19

Walking down to the kitchen in the morning I could hear my mother on the phone. It was barely eight in the morning, who could she possibly be yapping away with this early in the day? 

Vincent was still asleep and so was Matt when I checked on him before showering. 

Walking into the kitchen I walked past mum and went to the toaster to make some toast. My face instantly lit up and I quickly made my way to the kitchen drawer, where mum keeps all the good stuff. 

Chocolate spread was the first thing I saw and with a triumphant smile I pulled it out, only to find it empty. Who does that? It's not like they can use the jar or anything. 

Well that really dampened my mood. 

I was too lost in my own thoughts so I didn't realise mum had cut from the phone, I looked at her and asked her if she was going shopping but she just kept staring up at the ceiling with a goofy smile on her face. Well that's odd. 

"Mum who was that on the phone?" 

Still not answering me I went over to where she was standing and shock her slightly. Well that got her out of her gaze. 

"Good morning hun, go make some breakfast" 

"Mum I've been down here for the last five minutes, we don't have any chocolate spread" I know I moan, but it's chocolate spread for goodness sake! Its like melted chocolate! AHA! Melted chocolate. 

Walking towards the drawer again I asked my mother who she was on the phone with just minutes before. 

"Just Mark, Matthew's principle. He said it was alright for Matt to transfer halfway through the year and he'll even give him a good reference! He's such a nice man!" 

"Just Mark huh? Why would he give him a good reference if Matt's been nothing but trouble?" I knew there was something fishy going on here, just Mark my ass. 

Mum, obviously trying to change the subject got up from her chair and took the packet of cooking chocolate from my hand "Maria, you know it won't be good. Just go to the store later today with Vincent, and take Matt with you, I'll make you a list in a little bit". 

Smooth move mum. 

Handing over the chocolate I sat down on the chair that was previously occupied by my mother and sighed. 

"Is there anything going on between you and Mark mum?" 

Just looking up at her the answer was obvious, she was spacing out again with that goofy smile on her face. She looked like she had made a decision when she turned her attention back to me 

"It's nothing serious honey, we've gone out a couple of times and we kissed once, I guess he's my 'boyfriend', if that's what you kids still call it. I know I shouldn't be feeling this because you father has only passed a few years back but I feel really happy" 

I smiled back at my mother, the goofy grin still plastered on her face "I'm really happy for you mum. Does Matt know?" 

The smile quickly disappeared from her face, "well, you see love, I'm scared of what Matt will think, he needs a manly figure in his life, even if he is almost all grown up, but I just think it will hurt him to see that I have found someone" 

I felt so sorry for my mother, Matt would probably take it out on mum, he really rebelled after dads death, thought he was better than the rest of us for a while. 

"Mum don't worry, I'll talk to him, see what he thinks, I won't actually tell him anything but I'll try and warm him up for you" 

Mum had tears in her eyes now, she's so emotional sometimes. I went over and gave her a kiss. Trying to lighten the mood I added a little side comment "no sex before marriage, understand?" Mum just looked at me with a scowl on her face "go wake up your brother Maria, he's got chores to do"  

Before leaving the kitchen I ate the last bit of my toast and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. 

When I walked into Matt's room he was sprawled across his bed, some things never change I see. I crawled into his bed and he changed his position bringing his arms around me. 

"Hey baby", Matt started kissing along my neck and by this time I was way freaked out! 

"Matt! It's me! Get off!" Hitting him with all my strength to release his hold on me I jumped off the bed. 

Hearing my voice Matt jumped up "Maria? What are you doing here?! I thought you were Ashley!" 

"Why ,does Ashley wake you up every morning?!" Gosh he's so stupid sometimes. I looked at him once more and he was giving me a sheepish smile "OMG, she does doesn't she?! Does mum know you have a girl in the house most nights?!" 

"Do you really think mum would let me have a girl here all the time? Honestly Maria what are you doing at university? OK wait, now I remember, your teacher!"  

Wow, well that was uncalled for. Without replying to his smart as comment I backed out of his room. 

Walking into my room Vivi wasn't in the bed however I heard the shower in my en suite bathroom, I had a really great room! I don't know why Matty never moved into my room when I moved out. 

Thinking about it there wasn't a window where his little girlfriend could leave. 

I walked into the bathroom and stared at the closed shower curtain. "When you're done in there were going shopping" 

"Why don't you come join me?" Vivi popped his head out from the side of the curtain and the smirk on his face was way too huge. Well someones got a big ego 

"Meh, I'd rather not, got more important things to do, like iron a top." With that I walked out, not before I saw his smirk turn into a scowl though. Gosh that really put me in a better mood!

I know it's shorttt, I think my writing is slowly slowly getting better, I still need to go back and edit all the previous chapters. Also I changed Matts girlfriends name to Ashley. She will be making an appearance in the future WOOP! This was a fun chapter to write and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry I haven't uploaded, hopefully I will start uploading more frequently now! Only if I get 20 votes and 10 comments though :P Come on I know you can do itttt! 

Thanks for everything guyss!

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