Chapter 21

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Heeeeey! Finally an upload!

Sorry guys, I started a new story called 'A Little Bit of Hope' and I'm writing that when I have any time! Give it a read I prefer it to this8)

For Matt's character I've decided on LJ of prison break :)

Vote and Comment guys :)

The One That Got Away

Chapter 21

The dinner went on quite smoothly. Matt decided to invite Ashley along, informing us doing the cooking just seconds before she walked through the door.

Apparently they rekindled their love during break, that was all I was told before Ashley peeked her head through the kitchen. Mum was ecstatic about meeting her, especially since she's barely heard anything about her, just the noises she makes in the middle of the night whenever Matt 'discreetly' sneaks her in. After I got back from the supermarket Vivi decided to go rest, saying he hadn't slept well before, he just wanted to give my mother and I some time to talk.

I entered the kitchen where my mumma was making a hot drink for herself. She sat down near me and the look in her eyes told me she's been through so much with Matt, she seemed like she was going to break down any minute. However, I couldn't keep her in the dark, she had a right to know what 'went bump in the night' was her son and his girlfriend.

When I told her what Matt had told me just hours before she sighed, not shocked. Apparently he doesn't know how to dispose of his used equipment very well.

When Ashley walked in, I was expecting this rocker chick, with one too many tattoos. Boy was I wrong. She was the kind of girl my brother would have liked years ago, before dad past away. With her auburn locks and freckles she looked nothing but fragile, like a doll. Standing next to Matt they looked perfect. I guess I was smile a little too much since Matt 'politely' asked me to get lost. Vivi was in the kitchen helping us out, mum had just made it back downstairs after leaving to make herself look 'presentable' for Mark. Bless, young love. Heh, for old people.

At eight o'clock sharp Mark walked in. May I say, mum did pretty good for herself, for an older man Mark was very handsome! He seemed to be a little older than mum, early fifties, but wow! His blue eyes and greying hair made you imagine what he looked like thirty years back, and let me tell you, my imagination imagined a lot.

We had told Matt who my mum was seeing earlier that afternoon, he seemed to be fine with it, a little freaked out, but didn't really mind. I guess we all need to move on. Matt especially needs to realise that we can't be stuck in the past, maybe now, for Ashley, he'll realise that. I really hope he does, Ashley seems nice enough, I just hope he doesn't lose her due to his idiotic ways.

We ate dinner with mum and Mark sending shy glances to each other from across the table. Matt seemed like he was about to punch someone in the beginning but Ashley easily calmed him down. Vivi was just enjoying the food because he didn't put his fork down once and happily went for second helpings.

We all excused ourselves, leaving mum and Mark to talk. Matt and Ashley left a little before Vivi and myself. It was getting late so I went to the bathroom to wash my teeth and change into my night clothes. Whilst I was turning the bathroom door knob I heard Vivi talk aloud and decided to listen to what he was saying.

It wasn't hand to catch on who he was talking to, and a smile instantly lit up my face.

"Just cut your sister some slack alright? She's doing all she can to help you and instead of being grateful you're acting like a child. To you I might be 'your sisters professor' however, she's the love of my life and seeing her cry over you acting like an idiot really saddens me. So, for your sister, grow up alright?"

Vivi was the cutest thing in the world.

"I know, I just came to apologize to her, to both of you in fact. I'm really grateful. You're a good guy for my sister, she deserves better, but you're pretty close"

They both chuckled after that and I heard the door closing, meaning Matt had left.

I opened the door to the bathroom and looked at Vivi who was just staring away. I walked up to him and placed my arms on both sides of his stomach, and placed my head on his chest.

"I love you" and gosh did I mean it!

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