Chapter 14

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I'm dedicating this chapter to anngotago152 for commenting on my last chapter, if you didn't see, i've got a new dedication system :P

I'd like to dedicate the next chapter to the person who leaves the 'meanest or sweetest' comment. Also, I won't be uploading another chapter until I get 10 votes and 5 comments on this chapter, sorry :( So if you want a new chapter, you know what you gotta do :P

also uploads will be once or twice a week, i do try my best.




song on the side reminds me of Vivi at the end of the chapter :(

Hope you enjoy it :)

The One That Got Away

Chapter 14

A week had past, Mr.Mava hadn’t been to class. Noone knew where he was, apart from ‘Marthese’ that is. She seemed to know exactly where he was.

I hadn’t meant to overhear her conversation on the phone, I was just passing by her office to give in an assignment that I hadn’t handed in during class when I heard them talking

“Gosh,Vince you’re so dirty!”

I opened the door slighty, already seeing green. ‘Marthese’ was sitting on her desk pushing out her breasts, like he could see her over the phone, idiot, and twirling her hair on her fingers.

“I’ll come over tonight alright? I can’t believe you haven’t been in for a week, I don’t know what’s keeping you from coming in, rather than having this conversation on the phone, we  could be doing other stuff, in my office and- “

I slammed the door as quickly as possible, I didn’t want to hear what was going to go down in her office if he was at work.

Rather than hurt, I felt disappointed. I kept hearing Ben’s words in my head. ‘He’s just like me’ , I guess he was.


By the end of the day I was seeing red. Everything was starting to tick me off. I even had a go at Carla just because she was having a bath and I wanted one. Bad mood or what?

After my bath, and some really good dinner made by Carla, I was heading to bed when the doorbell rang.

Planning on ignoring it I continued walking towards my bedroom, it wouldn’t be for me anyway.

My plan was working out fine, until Carla called out to me and told me it was for me, with a smile on her face, which only meant one thing, Vivi.


I knew I didn’t look presentable, I haven’t all week, but it was the first thing I tried to fix in the five second walk in front of the mirror on my way to the door.

Surprise, Surprise

It didn’t do wonders.

Bigger surprise though, it wasn’t Vivi.

It was his mum.

What was she doing here?

“Caroline? Come in! You must be freezing”

“Thank you Maria, I didn’t come to stay long, I just came to apologize on behalf of my son, or should I say sons. I don’t know what got over either of them.”

Did she really come all the way here to tell me that? Now I can see where Vivi got his personality from, just like his momma.

“It’s fine Caroline, nothing I can’t handle”

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