Chapter 4

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this is just something small I wrote sincei have the time. Hoping its longer than a page this time! 

please comment and tell me what you think, as i haven't gotten any comments or votes so i'm not sure if anyone likes the story. 

also, i'm going to keep dedicating chapter to different people, but only to those who comment and tell me what i'm doing wrong or right

picture of Mason on the side :)

thanks again

The One That Got Away

Chapter Four

The first couple of dates were very relaxed and seemed perfect for that moment. Vincent would always be a gentleman, coming for me on my door step, opening doors and returning me to my door step at the end of the night, not stopping, much to my disappointment.

I can happily say that things between the two of us are moving on quite well. We weren’t an official couple yet but that’s because Vincent thinks I’ll turn him down because he’s my lecturer and what not. Although it is legal for a lecturer to date one of their students I don’t want other students to know just in case they think I’ll be getting special treatment when we get assignments and tests. Therefore for our dates we usually try going one town over where we hopefully wouldn’t meet anyone, so far, all has gone well.

The fact that he is my lecturer doesn’t put me off as much as it used to, in fact I find it quite comforting, seeing the guy I’m dating for an hour or two a day. Whilst at university it is strictly a teacher student relationship, but that doesn’t stop either of us from ogling each other.

I’ve had to tell Carla about us, well honestly, she figured it out. She doesn’t mind one bit, especially since Vincent is just a couple years older. How is he teaching in a university anyway? I’ll have to ask him later on. Anyway Carla finds it quite romantic and very cliché but it makes her miss Mason abit more than she originally did.

Carla hasn’t seen Mason since we started university last month. Mason told her that he won’t get time to visit her for another month or two because of all the work he’s getting lately. Mason phoned me last week telling me his plan, that in fact, he has a long weekend coming up next week and is coming over to surprise Carla.  I was also asked not to be there Friday night, well I know what’s going to go down in my apartment. Blehh

Me and Vincent haven’t gone further than making out yet. I know that it’s already happened once, but we were both drunk and he doesn’t remember it. I guess he wants his first time, that he actually remembers to be special, which I fully understand. Although sometimes some of my lady parts start beeping and I’d want to take him right there on a restaurant table. Its not that I’m a slut, or that I’ve been with that many guys, just two who I was in a relationship, its just that he’s so sexy!


“Carla! Mason! I need some help!”

Ever since Mason arrived a couple hours ago I haven’t even seen the pair of them! They were in Carla’s bedroom but they promised me that they wouldn’t do anything until I leave, but whenever I look at them I see their lust covered eyes and know I need to get out of this apartment as quickly as possible! Luckily Vincent was picking me up in twenty minutes, I don’t think I would be able to survive a minute longer without wanting to go completely blind for a while.

“God Maria! What?!”

“Good you’re done”

“Hah. We haven’t even started hon”

Wow, well Mason knows how to be subtle.

“Gross. Guys no PDA! Wait until I leave goodness! Anyway which dress? The black or the red?”

“Always the black, plus it seems to be a tighter fit so your boyfriend won’t be left to his imagination”

Well, Mason’s still as perverted as he’s always been. Luckily for him, his girlfriend seems to really like that

“Its true Mar, wear the black one, I don’t want you coming home tonight anyway”

“Is that the doorbell?”

Mason’s just hearing things right. Please don’t let it be the doorbell, I’m not done!

Hurrying back to my room I quickly put on my black dress, because honestly, I didn’t have a place to go tonight!

Finding my bag and slipping on my shoes I made my way to the door.

should i write a chapter in Vivis POV? also, next chapter will be kepy PG13 but i will write a restricted version sometime during the week for my perverted readers but will only be available for fans to read since it will be R.

please tell me what you thinkk xx

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