Chapter 13

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i'm truly sorry for the wait. i'm so busy right now! hope you enjoy this chapter, i'd just say sorrry in advance :(

thank you so much for reading :)








The One That Got Away

Chapter 13

Walking back into the dining room I felt the tension forming again. I looked towards Vivi and he was looking towards me with hatred in his eyes. What did I do wrong?

Quickly pulling away from Ben’s embrace I made my way towards Vivi, who had gotten up from the table and ‘excused himself’.

He had just slammed the door to his bedroom when I made it up the stairs. Sighing, I went and knocked softly on the door

“Can I come in?” I knew it was unlocked, but I didn’t want to intrude on Vivi, no matter how mad he seemed.

I was sitting on the floor outside the bedroom, ten minutes after I had finally given up asking Vivi if I was able to enter his room, when the door opened.

I looked into his eyes with hope, but he wore a complete blank expression. Looking him over, I saw his suitcase in his hand. Were we leaving already?

“What’s going on? We just got here, are we leaving already Vivi?” I tried lightning up the mood but the look in his eyes told me he wasn’t playing any games.

“I’m going, you can stay here for all I care Mia” When he spoke those words he said them with pure hatred. I don’t know what I had done, but I’m guessing it had everything to do with Ben.

“Mia? What’s that supposed to mean?! Honestly, what’s gotten into you!” by the end of it my voice was starting to rise, but I had truly had enough.

“What’s gotten into me? How could you do that?! After what WE had just done, or did you do it to piss him off? Hell, to piss me off even!”

What had I done?  What was he talking about?

 By the end of this, he was shouting.

I was sure his mum and Ben could here everything that was being said.

I didn't want anything else to go wrong, so I shyed away

I couldn't stand seeing him like this,

so mad, 

so frustrated,

especially at me.

I felt so scared, that I had done something wrong, but I couldn't have, not in the hour we went from making love to eating dinner!

Had I done something wrong?

Wasn't I good enough for him?

Hell, I knew I wasn't good enough for him, he was so beautiful, so charming, so thoughtful

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