Chapter 15

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HEYHEY. sorry i took so long, i know i didn't get my 10 votes but i updated anyway, next chapter i WON'T UPLOAD UNLESS I GET 10 VOTES. i'd like to thank all of you who do vote, i really appriciate it :)








picture of Maria's mum on the side! :)

The One That Got Away

Chapter 15

The week flew past quickly. Vincent hadn’t tried to talk to me, unless in a lecture, asking for an answer. It really frustrated me, he seemed to be picking on me in class, like I’m the bad guy here.

Everything was getting to my head, I know. I really needed a break from it all, so you have no idea how thankful I was for mid term the week after. I had a whole week off. A  whole week without him constantly picking on me. A week alone.

It didn’t sound appealing to me either to be quite honest.

I was walking home from the last day on university before mid term when the idea came to me. I hadn’t been home since school started two months ago, and thinking about it I really did miss my family back home. I was certain that spending time with my family would get my mind off Vivi, and I could always ask mum to help me out, she loved reading gossip magazines so she’d know what I should do to get over him.

When I got home I made the home phone. The phone rang nine times until someone finally answered

“Yo. Who’s this bro?”

“Yo. Bro. Is that a way to talk to your sister? Or anyone for that matter? You’re crazy.” I couldn’t stop myself from giggling at the end. Out of all my family I must have missed my younger brother the most. He was still in high school but we were really close. We used to talk all the time about anything and everything, I’m pretty sure I was the one to talk to him about the birds and the bees too. He really hated me after that muahaha.

“MARIA? Shit, I thought it was Tom, we’ve got practice later and I just texted him to gimme a ring. I need to bum a lift off him”

“What’s up with your car anyway? I thought you were getting into your ghetto stage already. Pretty sure mum will kill you”

I laughed again, remembering the time he walked into the house with his pants below his bum and a bandana hanging out his belt hoop. Mum had literally thrown him out the house that day.

“You’re not even funny Mar. Listen is there anything you called for, as I’ve got to go and mum’s out”


“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Just tell mumma I’mma be home for mid term. I’ll catch the morning train so I’ll be there aroundnoon. Don’t forget to tell her Matt! I really don’t feel like waiting for hours at the station until you finally remember!”

“You have such little faith in me! When have I ever forgotten about you?”

Shall I write a list mate?

“Just don’t forget alright. I love you Matty”

“Don’t call me that. Bye”

Wow, my family miss me.

I was in a really good mood after the phone call. Just knowing that I was going back home for a couple of days really lifted my spirits.

I skipped to my bedroom and started packing my luggage. I didn’t need that many stuff, but I still packed it all.

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