Back to school...Truly?

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(Lucy's P.O.V)

The last few weeks in hospital with Natsu was the most worrying ones of all. I was worried, why couldn't he open his damn eyes? He's making all of us worried, you know!

Oh when I mean us I mean me, Erza, Wendy and Gray. Sometimes, Gray would look like he is in somewhere far away, and than snap back to attention when he caught me staring at him. To be honest, I think that he was the most worried out of us all, because he wouldn't stop asking Doc levy or the nurses If Natsu is okay, and he even asked the unconscious Natsu if he's okay. Talk about worry!

But yeah. When Doc levy informed us that Natsu finally opened his goddamn eyes, Gray stood up straight, so straight that I thought he might break his backbone or something, and botled for the hospital doors to Natsu's Ward like he was running late for school or something. And he ran even faster than Erza who was also rushing to visit Natsu.

When I did squeezed into the tiny room, Natsu turned his bright gaze on me. I stood there, unable to move, unable to speak. That bastard is still grinning even though he is in a bad condition. So I did the one thing I would have done.

I lunged towards him and crush him up into a tight hug. So tight that I am certain I could hear him choke.

"Lucy! You're choking me! Help! Erza!" I chuckled and heard Natsu smiled before I let go of him.

He dramatically took in deep breaths and I laughed out loud. Seriously, it's like hell without him in the last few weeks because he's been caught up in a car incident.

"Natsu! You're finally awake! Did you know how worried I am about you?" I rambled on and on and Natsu rolled his green eyes playfully. I know I sound like a mother hen, but I am doing this for his own good. I am too concerned about him.

Erza came next and she did shower him with questions and words, but not as much as me. She stroked his pink hair back with sisterly worry.

Gray was just standing in the corner, even though he is the one that came the fastest. He watched me and Erza throw questions and words at Natsu, but never did approach him and talk to him....

What he did next surprised me the most because he came and stood quietly beside me and asked Natsu, "Do you remember me?"

I mean, who wouldn't be surprised when someone came up to you when you had just woken up from a coma, and than just asked you casually, "Do you remember me?" ?

What Natsu said next surprised me even more, because he frowned like he's in thoughts and answered, "Who are you?"

Even from here, beside Gray, I can actually feel his emotions thrashing inside angrily. He's probably just upset that Natsu doesn't remember him, because they are rivals that are friends and they used to fight a lot in the past, but still befriend each other afterwards

Poor Gray...

Natsu looked at me, a smile tugging at his lips. "Hey luce! Did you remember the time that you are cosplaying? I called you a cheerleader with crazy hair!"

I laughed, feeling like I could let everything go free.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erza exchanged a look with Gray, that looked currently unhappy. I cringed, wondering how I would feel if I we're to put myself in his shoes.

I faced back to Natsu and continue to talk silly to him. When I paused for a moment, he turned and looked at Gray. "Hey! You! Mr ice mage!" I saw amusement written all over his face when he saw Gray nearly falling.

"Tell me please who are you and what's your name!" I widened my eyes. Surely he didn't forget about Gray did he...?

"My name Is gray fullbuster and I'm a ice devil slayer." He exclaimed, crossing his arms around his chest. Natsu's checks flashed a slight pink, before it faded away. "Well then, happy to be your friend, Gray!"

"Yeah sure. I'm sure that we could get along with each other perfectly. "

I saw a shadow settled on his face.

~Three weeks later~

We're back in school, and of course there is a huge welcome back party ready to greet Natsu back.

Yeah, everything at school is going smoothly, and even Gray enlighten up a bit.

But, whenever me, Erza, Loke and Wendy Hang out with Gray and Natsu, I could sense and taste tension ringing in the air.

Surely, we're back to school...Truly?

Nattttssssuuuuuu, please hurry up and remember Gray alreadyyyyyyy :(

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