Complicated mess

592 28 7

(Erza's P.O.V)

I listened to the slow beeping of the other line for a few seconds, before I hung up the call. I was still feeling confused. A huge part of me greatly sympathize Natsu, and felt pity welling up for him.

Poor Natsu. Into his 17 years of life, he didn't ever felt a feeling ever like love. No wonder he is in such a mess about it.

I can't really help much, but all I can do is to advise and guide him, and than the rest is up to him to solve by himself. I really wish that Gray and Natsu will make up, and settle down as a new couple with a new relationship and have the gates that is chained shut open up to show more paths their lives could lead to.

Unlike a certain blue-haired guy last time...

I flinched. I don't want their relationship to end like mine....

(Natsu's P.O.V)

Walking to school felt like a chore. The worst chore ever in the whole universe. Slowly dragging my feet across the cobble paths, it felt like eternity until I finally got inside the hell hole that Satan disguised as teachers is in.

Please, please, please, PLEASE, don't let Gray come....

I sighed. Oh who am I kidding? It's a normal school day, of course the bastard will come.

Entering the classroom, is like entering hell now. I don't even want to see and talk and laugh and play with my friends there.

I gritted my teeth, irritation flashed through me. I just want this day to be over like a flash of lightning. I waddled over to my desk, and since it's quite close to Gray's, all I could do is to try and ignore His presence...which is like trying to ignore a cold yet warm winter wind close to you.

Up and down the classroom, everyone was muttering. That sound filled me with curiosity, and so, I walked up to Lucy. "Hiya Luce! Want to fill me with what's going on?"

She turned around, eyes bright with excitement. "Oh, Natsu! Didn't you know?!" I tilted my head to my right, looking like a lost puppy that's trying to decide where he should go. "We're having a new transfer student! And what's more, I heard that she's a water mage!" (Obvious much?)

"Water... mage?" Never In my whole life had I crossed a water mage. Its starting to feel exciting. I could feel the excitement pound in my blood. "Oh yeah! I bet she's a really cool opponent!" I pumped my fist up in the air. The teacher had not arrived yet, so we had more time to ourselves to mess around.

Lucy sighed, a playfull gleam in her chocolate brown eyes. "Natsu, whenever we had a new student, first thing that come into your head is fighting. You really should welcome her warmly, not to fight!" I chuckled.

Erza made her way up to us, a calm light in her eyes. She's not going to expose our phone conversation, is She? I started to feel nervous.

"So, I heard that a new student is coming to join us, am I right?" We nodded, I am still feeling nervous, even though she asked this question.

I guess that Erza must have seen my alarmed expression, because she sent a reassuring smile in my direction that clearly said:

Natsu, don't worry, I'm not going to expose your secret, and you know it.

I felt a tiny smile tugging at my lips.

A high, clip cloping sound interrupted the chatter in our class. We froze. And, without wasting a single second, we bolted for our seats, landing awkwardly, half out of it, and Sting nearly fell, but at the last second, he clutched onto Rogue's hand and help himself up.

Was it just me, or did I see a tiny hint of a blush dusting themselves on Rogue's cheeks?

I don't have anytime to debate on that, because the teacher came in and glared at us all. Of course, being students and all, we can't smack the teacher, or else we'll die, if we could, I will love to beat the smug look out of her face.

After a minute or two of us staring At each other with distaste, she finally sighed dramatically and said, "Right I don't want to waste any more time, and I presume you've heard of a new transfer student here?" All of us nodded.

"Well, Juvia, Dear, you can come in now!"

A wave of stillness hovered above the class. How does she look like? How will she cope with this class?

A timid, girl creeped in quietly. She has blue hair, the color of ocean water, and has similar bluish black eyes. She clutched onto a pink umbrella, and had on a blue dress. Her skin was as pale as Gray's.

"Whats with the umbrella?" "Why isn't she in the school uniform?" Mumbles spread throughout the whole class like wild fire. The new girl, Juvia, fidgeted uncomfortably. She's probably embarrassed.

"Class, you know it's rude to stare at people, and talk about them." The teacher said, a threatening note crawling into her tone. We shut up.

"H-hi, my name is..J-Juvia..." she stammered. I felt kind sorry for her....I mean, she look as if she want to crawl into a hole and hide there for the rest of the time.

"Okay, Juiva, there's a available seat beside Gray, so Gray, please be show her around the school after this class is over." Gray nodded. Juvia's eyes widen. And she fluttered her eyelashes at him in a sick way. Just looking at that action nearly make me throw up.

Gray just smiled, and she made her way over to him. Something stirred within me; no, it wasn't fear.

It wasn't a firing up feeling.

It wasn't anger either....

Without me knowing, I silently let out a snarl. But, no one noticed.

My chest hurts more than it used to. I hate the feeling, and want it to go away, but it was attached to me.

I heard it before from Someone, but I don't know who. All I know is, the word is.


{A/N}'ve got to Be kidding me.
This story hit 1k+ sees, and I'm surprised to see that, as a gift, I had 1,066 words. Can you believe that?!
Its the longest chapter of this story, second to the smut chappy, of course XD

(P.s typing this beside my mother, it's an real challenge not to let her see XD)

Stay tuned for the next update!

Forgotten MemoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora