As Dark as your soul

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(Gray's P.O.V)

He's insane.

I couldn't do anything, but standing there, rooted to the spot with my eyes wide open, staring open mouthed at Natsu, as he dragged a limp corpse and carried some parts of the dislocated limbs he had sliced off.

" killed her."

"That I did."

That's the only response he given me? "'That I did'" was the only words? Had he felt no regret or pity for her?

"Why did you kill her...?"

Natsu must have seen the sad look on my face, because he peeled his lips back in a snarl, and exposed his gleaming fangs. I took a step back.

"She was in our way of love! All our love would have perfectly carried out, and it doesn't need to end this way! You're mine, and only mine. I don't like other people to lay their eyes on you like you're a piece of meat and nothing more." After he said that, he pounced on me.

I tried to run, to use my magic, but it's like my whole body was paralyzed with fear. So I did the only thing I could.

I stood there, and let Natsu tackle me.

I can't fight back. Because if I do, than he's going to add more strength. it's the same when you're dealing with bees that in a raging mode. You just stand still, and let them buzz around you...right?

His clothes we're stained with blood, and so were his hands. He needs to seriously take a shower and change.

He pinned my hands and I just let him so whatever he wants. Well, If I disapprove, I'll surely get killed. Or maybe something worse than death.

He sniffed at my neck. I kept as still as a statue. Without any warning, he sank his fangs into my neck. What's worse is that it hurts. Like. Hell.

I bit my lip, hard until it drew blood. I am almost certain that he's going to drink my blood like a vampire, he suddenly pulled away, and swipe his lips with his pink tongue.

"What did you do to me...?"

He smiled, satisfied. "I marked you."

Like those animal markings as a mate or something? What? I'm in a hell of confusion.

"W-we should r-really do something about Juvia's body..."

He stiffened, and his face looked like he's going to murder someone again brutally. Then, he relaxed and flick his hand. "I'll do..."

He stood up. "Any last words for her?"

I nodded. I walked up to her and stared into what's left of her body.

(Natsu's P.O.V)

Seeing how Gray looked sad when he sees her, I couldn't help, but feel strikes of jealousy run through me again.

He mumbled something inaudible, but with my sharp hearing, I had no problem whatsoever.

"Juvia, I had only known you for a few days, but you treated me like a best friend. I may not know you well, but you're totally gonna be my friend. Goodbye." He dipped his head, before he stood up and nodded at me.

"Roar of the fire dragon!"

I watched the body burn as it slowly crumpled into ash. I glanced at Gray, and he had a pained expression on his face. I felt jealous, but a teeny tiny bit of pity welling up. But, I'm definitely not going to admit it.

I slipped my hand under his arm. He glanced at me, sorrow clearly viewed. I gave him a bit of a smile. After a hesitant moment, he smiled back.

We worked, shoving the ashes body into a field, and than dig up a hole, before pouring them in. I covered the hole, and than cleaned up myself and the blood.

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