In my head...?

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(Third Person P.O.V)

In my head...?


All the way throughout class, Natsu couldn't concentrate. Ever since the communication line had been cut off, The salmon haired teen had been wondering who is Etherious, and why did he talk to Natsu In his head.

"Psst! Natsu!" His sharpened ears twitched, before Natsu glanced at Lucy. The blonde was signalling for him to pay attention. He sighed, before he pushed the thoughts of Etherious aside, and locked his concentration on his biology teacher that's teaching random bits off the textbook. Not that later Natsu will doze off again, so it's no use.

Class is so boring.... I wish I could just go home already.

The fire mage not surprisingly started to think about Gray again. Ever since the day he woke up from coma, he was been keeping a healthy distance away from the Ice devil slayer. He could taste a awkward silence every time he and Gray where grouped together in pairs.

Sometimes, just sometimes, he would get some blurry flashbacks from the past, but Natsu could not make out the whole picture. It was too blurry. It just flashed for 1 second and it was gone in a single heartbeat. Thats really irritating if you asked him. It doesn't really give The dragon slayer a clue about his past with Gray. It was just dark cobwebs sticking in his head.

He glanced at the clock. Only 15 more minutes to go, and than he could get his ass out of this hell hole.

But, at the end of the day, the teacher's bound to screech at them about manners, quietness during lesson times, and give a mountainload of homework. I hate homework...and the way the teaaher screech at us makes my ears bleed. Natsu banged his head on the hard wooden table, earning a slight bruise on his forehead.

(Gray's P.O.V)

During class, what I noticed about Natsu was that he zoned out almost every time he listen to the teachers talk. I mean, that's ordinary of him to do that, but he zoned out with a blank face. Its worrying, seeing as if he was communitcating with someone that is invisible.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that he is insane, he just look....weird that way.

And oftenly, he was staring at me for no reason at all, like it's his first time meeting me or something.

Anyhow, whenever I tilt my head at him, he blinked and immediately turned his back towards me. Its kind of hurtful, but I know he might want some time to himself.

I don't really know how long I can control my rising urge to just pin him on the floor and forced him to remember me. It drove me crazy that his avoiding me, on purpose.

Okay that was the oddest thing for me to say, but I really need to say it out loud to get things off my chest.

I could see that idiot zoning out again for what seem like the thousandth time. It seems that he really don't want to listen to the teacher screeching and yelling at us. I just hope that he really remember me soon....

(Natsu's P.O.V)

So far, class in going downhill in a rapid pace. And the worst was, the teacher blamed us for wasting her time when she was wasting her own time repriminding us.

Things isn't really working out, huh Natsu?

I blinked twice to make sure the voice is there. He's back.

You're back then, Etherious.

Did you miss me?

He had a teasing note in his tone, something that kind of pisses me off.

No for your own information.

How sad. Actually I came here to tell you something serious.

His voice changed into serious and no-nonsense tone. I was beginning to get scared and worried.

What is it, Etherious? Tell me!

Don't go near to Gray fullbuster. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Can you specify?

He plans to do something very bad to you...just do as I say and don't go near him at all costs.

How did you know that? Did you spy on him?

That's a story for another as I say, don't go near Gray or else he will-

And the line went dead.

........*Jumps out of window*

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