Only Three Words

451 19 5

(Natsu's P.O.V)

Where.... am I?

I can't see anything, other than the surrounding darkness...

Am I dead?

No, it can't be! My heart is still beating, and I can definitely feel my pusle pushing. And I could also remember What Etherious had whispered to me, before I collapsed.

He sounds so confident, so in control....I couldn't do anything, but to trust him.

I stiffly rose to my legs, and stretched, before I slowly began to walk towards the endless darkness ahead.

It was silent. I wish there's something to break the quiet atmosphere. I don't like it. Instincts told me that something's going to jump up at me. I growled. Well, they better think twice before scaring me. I'll beat their ass up.

I tried to get my bearings as I paddled along the dark, trying to figure out a way to get out of this spooky place.

A ray of light hit me on the eyes as I screwed them up. Is that really light? Or is it just a illuion? Anyhow, I don't believe either, but I had to find out the truth in here.

Trotting steadily towards the beam, I stopeed as it gone near me. I hissed. "Who are you?" That's a really stupid question. Because I know, no matter how smart materials could be, there's no way it can talk and communicate with you.

But to my amazement, it just glowed and said, "Gray loved you."

I growled softer this time, a blush dusting my cheeks. "Tell me who are you! And don't go butting into my personal business too!"

Lights couldn't smirk, I know, or show facial expressions, because that would have been really scary, But I could definitely feel it smirk. "Oh, do you really want to know?"

"Yeah, you bet!"

The light gradually changed shape, and took the shape of a human body. His muscles swelled grotesquely, and wrapped themselves around the organs that appeared out of nowhere.
Too disgusted to look, I turned away. Only than did a coughing sound break the silence than I turned around and looked at him.

And my God, he is a splitting image of me!

He has pink hair, like me, green eyes like mine, but a bit paler. His face and parts of his neck was dotted with red pattern. He had sharp demonic ears, and had horns settling on his head. His canies is sharper and bigger than mine.

"Who are you! Why are you copying my image!"

He let out a single chilling laugh. I frowned, anger bubbling merrily in my chest, wanting to expose themselves into the tense air. "You really have no idea who am I do you, Natsu?

I shooked my head, frustration clawing themselves in the depths of my stomach. I'm soon going to explode from being with him.

Except, why does he sound so much like Etherious...?

Seeing my facial expressions changed into realization, he smiled, showing a teeny bit of his fangs. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm Etherious."

Silence. I stood there, utterly shocked. This look-alike, this copycat, this clone is Etherious? The one who is in my head the whole entire time, while ordering me away with that annoying voice?!

"Oh, take that look off your face. You really look like you're gonna murder me anytime." Which I am tempted to do.

"Anyways, I can't be bothered to be here and arguing with you. I've some news for you." He flicked his hand. The brilliant light was back again, burning bright holes into my eyes.

A image is in front of me. I am seeing my body, lifeless on the floor. Lucy is slapping my face, Erza is fretting, and Gray just stood there quietly.

"Can I go back into my body? My friends must be worried!"

"Not yet, I need you to meet someone."

I whirled around, shielding my eyes once again at the pure light bursting out, before it faded into normal colour.

The body has blue hair, peeking out under a hat, she has ocean blue eyes, and had on a blue dress with curls at the end. She wasn't carrying her pink umbrella though.

It Must be Juvia's spirit.

I closed my eyes, ready for a explosion of water, rain and death for me. Instead nothing came. Cautiously, I peeked through one eye, and saw that she was smiling sadly at me.

"W-why aren't you going to kill me?"

"Because, Natsu-san, I've realized my mistakes. I know you killed me for a reason, and that is because I'm being unfair to you. I hope you really do forgive me, and maybe, we could start being friends?" There was a hopeful tone at the end of her sentence, and she was looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Um...sure?" She smiled at me. "Natsu, I know that you're very uncertain why I'm being your friend, I'm not blaming you for killing me. I know I'm being selfish, and I could forgive you. Besides, Etherious is treating me well..but, there's no need to have vengeance between our friendship."

I nodded, feeling free of confusion. "Besides, I ship you and gray together!  You need to confess to him, than you'll be a happy couple." I walked up to her, and wrapped my arms around her ghostly back. "Thank you."

She grinned at me, before she waved at me. I smiled back, and in a blink of a instant, she's gone, melted into the deep shade of black.

"Etherious..." he paced towards me, and I backed up slightly. He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Listen to me. You've got to be with Gray together. I've already helped you the best I could, but the rest is up to you. I'll trust that you get the work done. Time for you to return back to the world. With a task to fulfill."

I nodded, and felt as light as a feather. Closing my eyes, I remained closed, until I felt a stinging pain in my cheeks. Ah, pain how good to feel it again.

But, it's still as pain as hell.

"I-itte! Let go!" I sat up and glared playfully at Lucy, who huffed and out her hands on her hips. Gray, immediately flung himself at me. "Why had you fainted?! You've got us all to worry, you stupid fool!" He embraced me, yelling into my shoulder. I sent a look at the two females In this room, and they understood. Creeping slowly out of the doorway, they sliently walked away, leaving us two alone.

I petted his soft blue hair and he whimpered, his cries dying down. "I love you, I love you! Don't you dare faint like that ever again!"

I leaned my head on his and smiled softly. "I will never. I promise."

He wiped away his tears and asked me a important question which I didn't even think about this month, "did you regain all your memories back?"

I thought about all the young times we spent fighting, how we spent running around, laughing like mad, and how we cared for each other after a battle.

The answer is obvious.


"Did you feel the same for me?"

The fuzzy and warm feeling returned to me. I smiled at his childish behavior.

"How could I not? I love you and always will. Until the end. With all my heart."

I promised that, and I will never break this eternal promise.

Sending a silent message up for Etherious, I sent two sincere and grateful words.

Thank you.

I'm really sorry if this seems rushed and in a mess, I will try and spread the plot out in the next chapter.

This book is nearly ending already, with just a few more chapters. I'm so sad T_T

but anyhow, stay tuned for the next time!


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