Perfect Two (Epliouge)

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(Natsu's P.O.V)

1 year later....

It's been 1 year since the day when Gray and I confessed our feelings towards each other and became a couple. Towards the end, he made something that will change our lives forever.

"Natsu, I have something very important to tell you."

"Hmm? Gray, what is it?"

He bent down on one knee. And grabs a box from his pocket. My heart raced. Surely he couldn't be...?

"Natsu, Will you marry me?"

I opened my mouth. For a few minutes, I couldn't say anything. When I finally thought of what I would say, I shouted.


How I missed the old times.

Today is the 1st Anniversary.

My mind spun. What could I give him? Absolutely nothing could enter my mind. It's always him that gives me.

But now, I should at least try and think of something, shouldn't I?

Of course I should.

I have multiple scenarios in my mind, but each of them couldn't work out properly. I decided to just give up, and head over to Lucy and Erza for any ideas. Gray isn't here. He's gone to God-knows-where, and that means I have more time to think on my decision on what to present to him.

"Hiya! Lucy! Erza!" I bounded over to join the two females. Erza nodded slightly, while Lucy grinned at me. "How's life going, Natsu?" I returned her smile. "Greeeat. Today, it's me and Gray's Anniversary, and I really ran out of ideas for what to give him."

"So, basically, you're asking us on what is best for him?" Erza replied calmly, although her eyes shone in excitement.

"Yeah, basically." She nodded, looking thoughtful. "Well, you could just give him you." I was confused. Until Lucy gets it and she shooked her head in disagreement. "No, Erza, we should just decide on something simple. Since it's the newbie's first anniversary, after all."

Oh, just in case I forget to mention to you, Erza is with Jellal, and Lucy is already married to Loke. It's a surprise to me, but in either way, I am happy for them.

Erza muttered something like, "My idea is brilliant, you know that," before she looked at Lucy. "What's your idea of a anniversary then, Lucy?"

She smiled, laying her finger on her lips thoughtfully. "I don't really know, but," her eyes shone. "We could ask Mira-chan! She's an expert on these things!" Erza nodded, before we paddled off to meet Mira.

"Mira-chan!" Lucy waved, and Mira walked up to us, wearing her usual smile. "What is it, Lucy?"

"Do you have any idea on how to spend some newbie's anniversary? This idiot need to know," she flicked her hand to Natsu and he growled playfully. "Mira, do you have one?" She asked eagerly, and she saw Mira's eyes lit up in decision. "Oh, I know one! I just need to find something though..." she rummaged in a few boxes, muttering, "Where could I put it? I'm certain it's in here..." she continued to comb through the old boxes, before she shouted in triumph.

"Here!" She plonked the item in my outstretched hands. Its a smooth instrument, with a hole carved in the middle, and had Lines crossing over it. Its end is narrow, painted in dark brown. It has some sort of cables to hold the strings together from the start. I frowned.

"What is this thing?"

"It's a guitar. They are instruments which you could play music on." She took the thing called a 'guitar' and she held it at her waist, one hand supporting the back, while the other resting on the front, just hovering above the lines. Then, with a flick of her hand, she tugged at the strings, and than, to my surprise, it began to softly play out a song.

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