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(Natsu's P.O.V)

Avoiding Gray wasn't that hard. Except that in school when I get, of course, paired up with him. His onyx eyes lost all the life in them, and I don't know if it's just me, but I can see a little bit of hunger and insane joy. I sometimes felt a little creeped out, and oftently, I managed to keep a healthty distance away from him. I still don't know what he's going to do to me, but Etherious won't tell me no matter how hard I begged him to.

I personally thought that Etherious was keeping a lot more secrets than he claimed he has. Like that time I asked Etherious to tell me how he knew about Gray trying to do something nasty to me. Just thinking about Gray brought me to another thinking. What is he planning to do with me?

"Mr Natsu, if you want to get out of my class, I would suggest that you restrain yourself from not paying attention."

I heard the whole class quietly start to snicker, and some even turned and looked at me. I could feel my entire face getting red. "Yes sir." Before I hastily scribbled down notes from the slide shows the teacher is showing.

I tried my best and hardest to pay my fullest attention to my teacher, I can't help, but let my mind wonder to other places.

Natsu, I have a urgent message for you.

This was certainly a surprise for me, because I have not heard from Etherious for such a long time.

What is it, Etherious? And please don't sudden pop messages into my head, it scares me.

I see, I see. The brave and stupid Natsu is scared when someone just suddenly pop lines into his head. I should do that more often.

Stop joking around Etherious. Tell me your urgent message that you have in store for me.

I am not fully sure what he will do to you, but I guarantee that he will do something very horrible and nasty to do.

Who's he?

Gray fullbuster.

I was shocked. It can't be...Gray was my friend! We are friends! A small voice whsipered, "Or are you?"

But it can't be! We're friends!

Didn't you heard of a fact that friends can sometimes hurt and betray each other?

Well...I did...

Than do as I say and leave a even farther distance from him.

Why does this concern you?

That's for me to know and you to find out.

But I don't understand, why-

I'll let you all in when we cross the bridge. For now, do as I order you to, and stop asking why!

His tone was so strict, that I immediately obeyed what he said.

Alright, fine then, Etherious.

I didn't meant to raise my voice, but you need to understand when to Shut up and listen.

It hurts a little, but I know he's telling the truth.


Good, I will remain in contact with you if something bad happened in the future and tell you.

And he was gone.

I was confused. One, what can Gray possibly do to me? Two, Why me?

I sighed, irritated and frustrated, and continued with my work. Etherious, what ever he said or predicted usually came true. Normally, I would have disobeyed him, but this time, I was so willing to not know what Gray will do that I decided to just obey him.

I mean, He couldn't couldn't do something worse than Killing me.


(Erza's P.OV)

Even though weeks have passed the car accident, I could still taste the aura that Natsu can't remember things much. And I could also taste tension and something else in between Gray and Natsu. I swear, every time I see Gray, his eyes will always be locked onto Natsu, and his eyes shine a very dangerous light.

I was concerned, I don't want another fight to break out, and I certainly don't want Gray to kill natsu or something. It was worrying.

As the last period of school ended, Lucy said that she was going to accompany Wendy to the library. I'm fine with it, and I continued my own walk back home.

As I neared a school's deserted area, one that only some know about, I heard a scream. Whoever it is sounded very strained and in a hell lot of pain. It sounded achingly famailar.

I peaked around a bend in a wall corner and got the schock of my life.

It was a image

A image that I wished I could unsee.

Guys. I'm back! I decided not to remove this story, and It looks like things is getting exciting. Cliffhanger much? XD

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