Chapter 12 [Part 1]

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AN: Hey guys... I love you all so, so much. Thank you for voting all this time, it means the world to me. Updating when I get a certain number of votes and comments ^_^ Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and leave your feedback when done (: Picture of Jeremy to the side ^^

Andy’s POV♠

    Urgh, what was this feeling? My limbs felt numb, as though all blood circulation had stopped. The pounding of my head was unbearable, making me wince in pain. What was wrong with me? Is this how it felt before one dies?

     Suddenly the urge to vomit came in tact; not waiting any longer that is exactly what I did. Rushing out of my bed, I threw my sheets to the floor and rushed to my bathroom. Leaning over the toilet, I allowed the yellowy, bitter substance to leave my mouth.

     Ew, I never did fancy the site of vomit because it made me want to puke even more. Placing the lid over the toilet, I flushed it, not wanting to see this disgusting mess. Standing upright, I stumbled slightly and it was clear that I was sick.

     Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw this wild looking beast with a red as hell forehead, nose and cheeks. The beast part was all because of my messy bed hair guys.

     Lifting my hand, I placed my palm on my forehead, and if my hand was an egg, trust me it would be fried. Letting out a groan of frustration I made my way out of the bathroom and to my room once more. I needed to tell Jess not to pick me up this morning.

     Thinking that I should call her totally backfired when my head started pounding once more. I think I’ll text instead. Walking into my room I tried to figure out where I left my phone last night. Jess constantly bothered me with texts last night, which was until I offed it then threw it to the floor.

     Smiling sheepishly at the site of my phone, I stooped down to grab it. Every joint in my body was hurting like a bitch at the moment, but I conquered when it came to not giving up. Having my phone in hand I quickly messaged my crazy best friend.

Andy: Hey Jess! I’m feeling sick this morning so don’t bother coming over L xXx

Jess: Awe shucks… You were dreaming about Cameron last night, won’t you? You’re not just sick; you’re just love sick ;)

Andy: No dude! This is serious, I am really ill L… My bones hurt, my head is pounding, slight fever and I’m even vomiting. And I’m definitely sure that’s not the side effects of being in love. xXx

Jess: You’re right, that’s not the side effects of being in love. I think your pregnant… xXx

Andy: Ha-ha Jess, tell me, when was the last time I ever had sex? xXx

Jess: Um… One and a half years ago… But! It could have been a lingering sperm… =D xXx

Andy: You need help dude. And no for one, sperms can’t last that long and two, we used God damning protection! xXx

Jess: Sure you did ;) xXx

Andy: You know what? My eyes are burning from the light of the phone’s screen… See you later, if you decide to visit the hottest, smartest and most beautiful girl in the world after school ^^ xXx

Jess: I can’t visit myself Andy… You’re the one who needs help >_< xXx

Andy: Hardy, ha-ha Jess, very funny… Anyways talk to you later… I’m going back to bed xXx

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