Chapter 15 :: Deal [Edited]

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*** Saskia's POV ***

I've been traveling for days... Maybe weeks.. I don't know.. My coins isn't running short yet, lucky. I rested beside trees and washed up in the river.

My pregnency is a burden to me. I easily got tired and hungry. I thought of getting rid of it but when I think of it, It's mine and my beloved traitor anyways. I might learn to love it when he didn't did what he have done.

I decided to rest in a small village. I was walking around until I found a beautiful space to view and just be there brings happiness? It's a bit far from the village though. I decided to rest at the space for a while.

I was woken up by a person. I looked up and saw his face. He's face was as beautiful as the view. You would love to just stare at him deeply. "My. My. Milady. Why are you resting here alone? I am concern about your beloved one is searching for you" He asked politely.

I didn't answer because I was speechless. He smiled and offered me his hand. I took them and he helped me up. "Thank you for helping me" I said.

"I believed you have to go home now. Your beloved one must been searching for you by now" He said again. I frowned and looked down. "Why do you look so down? Is there something bothering you?"

"It's just... The one I loved the most betrayed me. I ran away from my village and got here to rest and now I don't have any place to stay for now" I holded my two-month belly.

"The baby must be his, am I correct?" I nodded. "Why do he betrayed you so much, you ran away from home?"

"It hurts just to keep it inside to myself. Our relationship is a secret to everyone even my guardians and my friends. One day, I saw him cheating on me with another girl. I hurts me to see it. It hurts me to see him again. His face brings pain to my heart that I think I'll die from" My eyes was filled with tears. I couldn't hold it, it released on it's own. I didn't realised the tears until he wiped it.

"I do understand your feelings. What can I do to help?" He held on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"I'm seeking for revange. I want him to feel like how I felt. It hurts inside that I think I could die from it" He brought me closer for a hug, let me cry on his chest. "At the same time I also want to forget him" I mumbled.

"You'll forget him soon. There's no need to revange. Create peace"

"I'm Prince Minoru the Thrid. Nice to meet you, my princess"

"Uchiha Saskia"

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