Chapter 18 :: Being found

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Mikayo (Saskia)'s POV

I stared down at my husband's grave. I asked the man to bring me to him (his body). He told me that he already buried him.

I was so depressed, willing to let another tear drop after hours of crying over him. Because of my husband's death, I'm lost.

"He's gone" I stated. "He's really gone..... I can't believed it" I covered my face again and tried to breath slowly. "Oh god" I turned around, walking away from his grave. I can't see his grave anymore, It's really heartbreaking.

"I can't face him. Not like this. I'm so depressed. His soul might also be depressed because of me" I wiped my tears away with my sleeves. "Well.. Thank you for taking care of me. Can I get your name, just in case" The man smiled.

"Just remember me as Kuro Ouji-san" He's kept his proud smile at me as he stated his name. I gave the man a hug as a thank you.

"Thank you, Kuro Ouji-san. Thank you for taking care of me and being nice to me. I'll never forget you, I promise you" I bowed before I go. He stopped me before I took a step away.

"Here take this. If you need my help, blow this" He gave me a whistle-like material. I looked at him and nodded then, I ran away leaving him behind.

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"Myousa!! Myousa!!" I patted while looking around me. I kept calling his name. "This kid where did he ended up at? MYOUSA!"

I stopped and almost collapse but I use trees to support me. I heavily breath, trying to get enough oxygen into my lungs. Eventually, I collapse unconscious. I thought that I would die but not eventually.

I coughed, oxygen rushed into my lungs, made me stood up immediatly. I looked at the person beside me. It's Seichi, Haruno Sakura's daughter.

"Miss! Oh! Thank you god" She smiled to me. She doesn't seem to know me, which I'm glad. "I found you laying here. You looked like, you're having a hard time to breath so I helped you"

"Thank you" I coughed once more.

"Mama!" I heard Myousa's voice. I opened my arm as he ran to me, giving me a hug.

"Oh, This is your son. He is a very kind and polite boy. Look, he got your facial feature" She smiled. "I bet those cool red eyes came from the father" She laughed. I frowned, remembering Minoru's death. I kept my head buried on Myousa's shoulder. I looked at Myousa and told him everything will be fine after that I stood up while holding his hand.

"Well... Thank you for your care. We must be going now" We walked away but she stopped us. She told me that, She was curious about our names so, I gave her our name without the royal title then left her.

About a few hundred of footsteps, Myousa asked me,"Mama, Father's die right?" I frowned. "He saved me.... when that black haired with blue eyes man tried to take me away. Father told me to run away so I ran. After, I came back to take you, you're not there and father's body is already graved" I saw his eyes began to filled by tears. We stopped walking. I immediatly hugged him, telling him I'm there for him. Then, He told me what if the man tried to take him again and kill me. It's a heartbreaking.

Myousa is an intelligent child. Thanks to Minoru who taught him well about powers and mind, unlike us ninjas only been taught about chakra and jutsu's. He is a lucky child.

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