Chapter 8 :: Arguement and Confression (Edited)

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*** Saskia's POV ***

Karin-sensei had her item and we're all done anyways so we go home!.

I made Hideko piggy back me home because of my sore legs and he didn't allow Katsuo to carry me.

"Saskia. You know you're heavy, right?" Hideko said. "You made my back hurts" He said again. "You're a burden. You know that?"

"Shut up, Hideko. Your words does not affect me. So SHUT UP!" I shouted to his ears that made him dropped me from his back. "Owh" I landed on my hips.

"You don't have to shout, know? Oh my lord that hurts" He placed his hands over his hips and walked around.

"What? Why? Why are you the one who's hurt. I'M HURT!" I yelled at him. He shot me a glare the same glare he shoots to everyone.

"If you're hurt. I'm hurt. Damn it!" Then, he looked away. Then, I heard he clicked his tongue and offered me his hands.

"Why? Why do you have to feel pain when I'm hurt? That doesn't make any sense to me, Hideko!" I was kind of mad about him being in pain because of me.

"How dare you ask me why. You and I don't know the answer, numbskull" I got up and removed the sand on my hips and legs.

Then, we argued.

"We're not one, Hideko. You can't feel what I felt. I can't feel what you felt! We are a total different person!" I yelled at him, crossing my arms around me.

"You think I cannot feel how broken ribs are? When your ribs are broken, I can feel it too. So, basically if you're hurt, I'M HURT! JUST ACCEPT THE FACTS!" I lost this one.

"Tch... Fine then. You win" Then, I started to walk away. I felt emberessed by losing an argue to Hideko even though we always argue.

"Where the hell do you think going?" I can tell Hideko grabbed my arm roughly and turned me to face him. I didn't look at his eyes but his nose. "We're going home remember" Then, He lifted me up. My whole body was lifted my upper body rested on his arm and my lower body rested on his other arm. I wrapped my arm around his neck for support.

"Hye. Look. I'm sorry" I mumbled, hopefully he did not hear that. He didn't stop walking.

"Yeah. I know" He answered. I hide my face on his shoulder hopefully he don't see me cry.

"I'm sorry" I felt he stopped walking and then, he placed my legs down. He pulled me into a hug. A warm hug. A hug full of what? Love.

"I'm sorry" I repeated.

"I know. I heard it, numbskull"

Then, I can't stand it. I began to sob loudly. Hideko patted my back, telling me it's alright. I never felt so guilty in my life. In fact, why do I feel like this?

"Saskia. You're such a baby, you know that?" Hideko said. I heard it. "A numbskull burden baby" He then finding a spot for comfertableness on my shoulder and neck.

"I love you" I heard he mumbled but I pretended I didn't. But, I was shocked to hear that. Never in my life he said this to me. I mean he did but when we were younger. We act so much like siblings. Oh, maybe he loves me as a sister.

"Let's go home. It's getting late" He let go of me and pulled my hand, draging me along. I'm still into those strong words 'I love you'. It confuses me.

We've arrived home. As usual aunt Hinata made dinner and Uncle Naruto isn't always home when we got back. The house is always feel empty though, like there's no life in it.

"So, how was the mission?" Aunt Hinata wanted to start a conversation. I'm lucky to have her as my guardian.

"It was terrible. I didn't expect it would be so full of burden boreness" Hideko said. Aunt Hinata smiled and looked at me.

"How was the mission, Saskia?. Also full of burden boreness?" I shaked my head as I shallowed the food that was in my mouth.

"It was okay but it was a burden" I nodded.

"Ahh.. I see.. So, a mission is a burden then?" She asked. Hideko nodded while I just don't want to answer it.

"I'm done. I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep early" I stood up and went upstairs. I went to my room and locked the door behind me, just in case anyone gets in when I'm changing.

I went to my bathroom and took a nice warm shower. I wore my comfertable night clothes. I went to my bed until someone knock the door. I opened it and it was Hideko.

"Hideko? What's up? You need something?" He immediatly went inside and closed the door.

"You heard what I said. Before I said,"let's go home. It's getting late"?" I went silent before answering that.

"Maybe" I said, as I lowered down my head.

"What do you mean 'Maybe'?"

"My sob was loud enough for me not to hear what you mumbled" I didn't look at him.

"Your sob was so quite. I think you heard me"

My mind was fasturated by him. I'm curious. I want to know what he meant by this disturbing words 'I Love You'.

"Yes, I did. You said I love you to me" I could feel my cheeks were warm.

"So you did" He ruffled his head, making a mess.

"Does it meant something to you? I mean, do you love me like you're own sister?" I kind of feel disappointed if he said that. "People known us as the twins"

"No. Look Saskia. I meant what I said, I really do love you more than just a sister, more than just family. That was a bad confression. I know you see me as a brother but consider it" He holded my hand. He looked at me with his beautiful sapphire eyes. "I don't want us to feel awkward but--" I kissed him on the lip and let go. My face is burning right now. I'm not sure if I can be call a tomato or not.

"Shut up, numbskull" I said, smiling to him.


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