Chapter 6 :: This D-rank Mission Suck (Edited)

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*** Saskia POV ***


I'm excited!

I was getting ready at 3:53am. I waited in the kitchen where I could eat my early breakfast. I hum-ed a song while eating.
"Kia?" I heard Hideko called, as he entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and sat beside me. I could see his eyes were restless. And now he looks like an angry panda. Irritating panda. Yesh yesh! Irritating Hideko panda.

"Too excited, huh?" He glared at me, rolling his eyes after. I made a pokerface and poked his cheek. "You should've sleep, know?"

"I got too excited so I go and train myself and didn't get to sleep at all" He said, his sapphire eyes were at me. "You gone excited too, somehow you're a mess" He maintain his cool over me, not trying to laugh.

"What so funny about me being a mess?" I asked, why and this is what he said.

"I heard you fangirling about today. It's-----" He left his cool aside and laughed. He tried his best not to laugh so much. He'll pass out. He holded his stomach while slapping the table.

"You'll pass out if you laugh too much" I mentioned, continue on eating my breakfast until it's finish.

"You're right. I think I should stop" He tried to hold himslef from laughing. 'He's weird sometimes' I washed the dishes after. "I think We should go and wait for Karin-sensei" I agree and immediatly walk outside, followed by Hideko.

"What do you think the mission is about?" I asked Hideko and tried to punch him if he tries to laugh again.

"It's a D-rank mission. There's no way it's hard" He said, it confidently.

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"Okay. I take my words back. This is hard" He pinched his nose bridge. He swang his sword, a strike of lightning striked to hit the enemy.

"Isn't that hard, Eko" I said to him as I was hitted by the enemy. "Just get rid of the enemy so they wouldn't annoy us. It's irritating!" I charged to the enemy, stabbed them one by one. I flew away by the strong one. I yanked in pain when I hit the ground.

I slowly pulled myself up, moaning when the pain began to fill me. I used my spear for support as I stood up. Hideko ran to me, calling my name. His face filled nothing but worried and anger.

He then immediatly lifted me up as he arrived and gone to Katsuo. "Oi, Heal her. She's hurt and you're not" He said coldly. I looked at Katsuo who just softly smiled to us.

"Hai. Hai. Place her down" Hideko slowly knee-ed his legs down as he began to sit down. He placed me on his lap as Katsuo held his hands a few inches from my chest and healed me.

"Childrens. Are you okay?" Karin-sensei ran up to us, panting as she reached to us.

"As plan, Yeah, We're okay. Sensei" Katsuo responded, still with the soft smile on his face. "Saskia broke a rib from her cage rib, nothing much" His green eyes took a very short glance at me before looking at Hideko.

"Sensei, I don't think this is a D-Rank mission" Hideko spoke after, strocked my hair. Sensei shocked her head side to side, slowly and said It's a D-rank mission. "Are you sure? Those enemy suddenly attacked us, who they think they are? Those enemy made me sick worried about you guys" He glanced at everyone of us carefully.

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