Chapter 5 :: First Out From The Village? [Edited]

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-- Saskia POV --

We were ordered to wait near the waterfall, but the watefall is outside of the gate, so No. We'll wait for Karin Sensei instend. "Kia... Psssssttt... Kia. Wake up" I heard Hideko whidpered while lightly shaking my body. "Hmmm...." I slowly opened my eyes and our eyes met. "Good, you're awake. Hurry up and get dressed. We don't wanna be late" He throw a towel to me, leaving the room silently.

I walked to the bathroom and take a nice warm shower. I went out from the shower and dried myself. I walked out from the bathroom, searching for an outfit. I took out a black legging, a white shirt beneth a black leather jacket. I combed my hair and tied it onto a ponytail.

"Saskia" Hideko growled, leaning against the door frame. I turned to him as he walked closer, dragging me out with him. "Wait! Wait! M-My weapons. My beg" I looked up to him, seeing him playfully shake the beg full of kunai and shuriken. "My spear" He took out a folded weapon and showed it to me. "Come on. We're going to be late"

Before, we went out Hideko bended down and said "I'll give you a piggy back ride. If we'll take several minutes of walking we'll never gonna make it in time. So, hop on" He's voice is always serious. I smiled and obeyed his comments. "Light as ever, Kia. Not enough food to eat, huh?" He comments. "Stupid" I mummbled to his ear. Then, He walked out from the house and ran as fast as the wind.

Not about 5 minutes later, we made it. I went off from Hideko's back and walked to Katsuo who is taking his nap under the tree. I kneed to him and stare carefully, noticing that He has a beauty mark under his eyes. Hideko walked up to us as he throw a small rock at Katsuo. I immediatly jumped away in surprise as he yawn.

Katsuo slowly opens up his golden eyes and smiles as he sees us. "Ohayo. Hideko. Saskia. When did you come by?" He rubbed his eyes while asking the question. "About a while ago" Hideko answered with his hands in his pocket. "Oh, well then... Thank you for waking me up. You could just shake me instend of throw a rock at me" Katsuo recommended.

"Oh, so you guys are here in time. Very good" Karin Sensei suddenly appear in the middle of Hideko and Katsuo, making them jumped from their spot. "Very well then. We shall go to where I promised you, we start training" We followed her to the gate.

I looked at my side, seeing a dark figure. I focused on it so I could see it's face until Hideko calls "Kia... Come on". I nodded my head and followed him along with Karin-Sensei and Katsuo.

We walked to the waterfall until the sunraises up. "Wow! It's beautiful" I smiled, looking at the sky. "I wonder how a sunset looks like" I mumbled to myself.

"Okay... Good jobs, Childrens. We made it to the waterfall without any harm to ourself. I should give you all applause to yourselfs" We clapped our hands. "Okay. I want to train you as a stronger Shinobi record today. I believe you all can keep up with this, yeah?" We nodded our heads, as in agreement.

"Okay. Will start off with you, Uchiha Saskia" She pointed at me. "What do you want me to do? Karin-Sensei" I'm clueless on what I should be doing. "Spar me. Use all the jutsu you know and I promise I will go easy on you, alright? Believe in yourself, Saskia" She was in her position while I took a deep breath and focus. "What are you using to fight, Saskia?" She asked. "Huh? Oh! Usually I use my spear to fight" I smiled as I took it out and expend it.

"Good. Using a weapon is better than just bare hands" She gave us tips. I get into my position, glaring at her like my own opponent. I swang my spear to her but she managed to blocked it with her kunai. She got away, jumpping to the nearest tree. I expanded at the end of my spear into an axe. I swang it again, cutting the tree instend of Karin-sensei.

"Focus, Saskia. What's your target?" Karin-sensai asked while running across me. I expand the end of my spear again into a hummer-like.

"I'm targetting your gearband" I ran to her, was about to hit her but instent I smash the ground, creating a square shaped hole.

"Not bad, Saskia. I'll stop you here" Karin-sensei announced. I contracted my spear and put it in my beg. I walked to Hideko and sat beside him.

"Now. You, Haruno Katsuo, please demostration. Like how Saskia did" She said as Katsuo got up, walking towards her. "Just like how I promised. I will go easy on you, Give me all you got" I focused on how he fight.

"He have known more earth jutsu than any other jutsu" Hideko said, with confidents. I turned my head to him, blinking blankly. "Just like his mother"

I softly smiled to him. "He'll be our personal doctor. Whenever we're injured, He'll heal" He looked at me with his less-emotion face.

"Medical. Well that's very nice of him" He said, placing his chin on his knee while hugging his legs. I smiled to him and pinched his cheeks.

"This is why no one can read you, Eko. You're very very hard to read sometimes" I said with all my confidents and pride. He then pinched my cheeks 5 times harder than me. "What was that for?!"

He kept silent and watched Katsuo fight, "Cute as always, Kia. No doubt about it" He directly said like that. I couldn't help but to blush.

Then, Karin-sensei announced again that Hideko will fight. "GOOD LUCK!" I said, lightly punched his arms. He just took a quick glance at me before walking towards Karin-sensei.

"Yoh, Saskia" He sat beside me as I welcome him. We watched at how Hideko fight with his speed of light. Yeah, we call him the speed of light, because whenever he did a jutsu or any physical things. He's the first one to finish. He's speed of Incredible!

"Woahh!! His speed is perfect as always! Sugoi" Katsuo said, appreciating Hideko. I eyed his smooth movement, his body was very flexible, I wondered when did he trained his body?.

"Okay, Childs. You all have a very unique sense of fighting. I like that! But, you all need to improve on how to use your weapon, skills and mind. We need to be the best of the best shinobis, Alright?!" Karin-sensei said, encouraging us to do better than what we have done. "Tommorrow, we will start our first D-rank mission. I believed you all must be early before I arrived, understood?"

"Yes! Karin-sensei!!" We shouted as a polite respond to her. She smiled, adjusting her glasses, looking at us with her pupil-less red eyes. She looked at the sky, the sun is setting and it's getting late and dangerous.

"Okay! Childs, We have to go home now. It's getting late" We followed her, walking closer to her back. We carefully guard our surroundings, making sure nothing goes wrong.

We eventually made it back to the village safely. "Okay. We'll meet here in the first thing in the morning" Karin-sensei reminded us once more. We nodded our head and answered 'Yes!'.

We waved to each other and walked home. Hideko and I walked to the north while Katsuo went to the east. I looked at Hideko, his face shown irritated of something. Hearing his stomach growled just made it awkward.

"Hungry?" I mentioned. He looked away immediatly and answered yes. "Tell you what. I'll ask Aunt Hinata to cook your favourite? How that's sounds like?" He rolled his eyes, looking at his side.

I laughed at his action. "This is why no one can read you!"



Im so sorry guys for updating late

Im just soo busy


I'll update as soon as possible in the future


Im still sorry

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