Chapter 7 :: Finding Hozuki-san (Edited)

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**** Saskia POV ****

My legs hurts from walking, running and jogging. We've been searching for this Hozuki-san, is it?, for hours! Geez, I never thought he's such a burden to find.

I growled when I had to drag my legs again to a certain place. I found Hideko talked to a person with that white hair and lavender eyes (?). I'm not sure myself.

He then, looked to my direction and called me. I dragged myself to him. I shot him a look that made him, mad.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms around. He grinning his teeth together and curled a fist. I rolled my eyes at him. Then, he sighed.

"I found Hozuki Suigetsu-san" He stated.

"Ahhhh" I moved my lips like that without any sound. "Should I call Karin-sensei?" He nodded. I was about to walk again but sensei was already on their way. "Oh nevermind then. There she goes"

"I would like to have a word with you, Suigetsu. Kids, wait here" She dragged Hozuki-san to somewhere else far from our location.

I sighed and sat beside a tree, resting my poor sore legs. I played with my hair as I lean on the tree. Hideko came by my side and joined me.

"We've found Hozuki-san. What do we do now?" I said. Then, no answer. I looked at Hideko who sleeps cool-ly. I feel like I want to slap him awake but, no. I want to watch him until he's awake. Wait... what?!

"What are you staring at? You made me feel uncomfertable to sleep" Hideko opened his eyes and glared at me. I immediatly looked away. "Tch..." I heard him clicked his tongue.


I'm sorry for the short chapter..

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