Chapter 4 :: Seven Years Later~ (Edited)

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--- Saskia POV ---

~~~ 7 Years Later ~~~

I am now 14 years old, Uchiha Saskia. All of my classmates are almost the same age as me except for Katsuo. He's a year older than us.

Before going to school, I looked at the mirror, talking to myslef, courage myself. "SASKIA! WE'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL, COME ON!" Hideko brushed to my door and yelled. "Okay! Okay! Gees you don't know to shout, know?"

I took a piece of the toast from the plate "Thanks, Aunt Hinata". Both of us, ran to the academy as fast as we can. "I think this is you're fault. You're always talking to yourself in the mirror isn't that weird" He complained. I rolled my eyes, we stopped in front of our class. "Eko, how do I look?"

"A dress-looking sweater with black leggings along with the sandles that I bought you, Nice! Your hair, yeahh suits you the best" We went in the classroom, Hideko decided to sit next to me, keeping an eye on people.

"Eko, can you braide my hair?" He refuses and said It's embresing. "Hye! We're twins so, no excuse for this" He then agree to brides my hair. After, He tighten the bride, He let the bride fall on my shoulder. "It looks nice. Thanks, Eko". He responded "Whatever".

Iruka-sensei came in and announced us that we're going to be grouped up into 3 people per group per teacher 3:1:1. "Students come to the front. If I call out your name you and seat according to your groups" I stand beside Hideko who is now about 3 inches taller than me. "I hope I get you in my team, Eko" I said to him. And he didn't respond anything.

"Team 7 :- Rimatsu Katsuo, Uzumaki Hideko & Uchiha Saskia. Please to the seventh banch over there" The three of us walked to the seventh banc where we're supposed to be. "Looks like you're wish has been granted, Kia" Hideko talked to me, with his all cool expression and soo..

"Hope, we get along guys" Katsuo recommended to us. "Yeah, whatever" Hideko replied, while wrapping his arms around. "S-sure" I awkwardly said, trying to hide near Hideko.

"Okay students. The teachers will come and get you. They'll introduce them self and so are you. You'll get to know each other and they'll teach you how to teamwork" I totally understands but I don't know if these two doofus understands.

Then, red haired teacher with matching glasses came in and said "I'll be team 7's teacher. So, where is my team 7? I want to expect they're not an idiotic-looking or a total idiot" She said. 'Wow, that's spicy' The three of us stood up and walked down. She took a sharp glance at us and told us to follow her. "We'll be at the Sakura tree" She suddenly disappears right in the flash. "What the?" We went outside and saw a Sakura tree where our teacher standing and waiting for us to come.

"You're late" She said as she spotted us. "But, you didn't say that We should get here as quick as possible, sensei" Katsuo said. "You should know that to be in time is better than being wait" She said strictly. "I shall train you properly. We will start our lesson tomorrow at 6 am sharp. Remember I don't want to wait for you guys" That somehow gave me a chill.

"Let me introudue myself. I'm Uzumaki Karin. I am 23 years old. I lead my power to some I truly trust" She said as she points to me.

"I'm Uchiha Saskia. I - I'm 14 years old and I don't know what to say" I was nervous and my tongue got tangled up.

"Uchiha... you remind me of someone I used to know. NEXT!" She points at Hideko.

"Tsh... Uzumaki Hideko. also 14 years old. I don't actually prepared what to say but Saskia is like a twin to me. I love her as a siblings or maybe more than that" I dropped sweat and punched him hard on his arm until he yanked in pain.

"Hmmm... and you" Lastly, she point at Katsuo. "I'm Rimatsu Katsuo. I am a year older than them. And they're like my twiny siblings who I cared about" He wrapped his arms around our necks.

"Alright from now on we will be a family and it is called Team 7. I will be responsible of you three so, behave. Until now, you are dismiss. You can go home now, my childrens" She disappears again, leaving us here. "Alright then. Let's the three of us go home together, shall we?" I said, taking both of there arms as I walk forward. "O-oi, Saskia. I can walk on my own" Hideko hissed. I ignore him.

For a minutes later, I losses my gap and release their arms.
"Finally" Hideko mumbled. "Well.. got to go guys see you two tommorrow" Katsuo waved at us as he slowly walk away. Both of us waved at him away and walk to our direction to home.

"We better have a very early sleep, Eko. Don't stay up night or our heads will be chops" I said. "I know. I'll wake you up when I did" He replied.



Updated complete

Im soo sorry guys if you hate karin i still have no idea what name should i pick. Plaese dont kill me! TT-TT

Till next time

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