35. Home

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The next day we got to bring Jaiden and Lucas home. 

It felt so good to have a flatter stomach. Im going to have to exercise to get my old body back. Bummer.

Luke and i didnt get much sleep, or anyone for that matter. Im sure the everyone wants to go home and stay as far as possible away from here.

Luke was feeding Lucas and I was feeding Jaiden.

"Look at the new parents." My mom walked into the nursery. 

"Do you need anything? Gina and I are going to the spa." my mom said.

"Nope we'll be good." i told her and then Beau and Jai walked in.

"Can we feed them?" Jai asked and i handed him Jaiden and Luke handed Lucas to Beau and they fed them.

"Aww, you two would make good daddys." i told them and they laughed. "Just not right now." 

"Where are Daniel and James?"

"They're still asleep they kept them up." Beau said.

"Oh opps." i laughed.

 "How many times have you two, had sex?" Beau asked.

"3 times, i think." i said and Luke shook his head agreeing with me.

"Damn, i knew you would get together." Jai said looking at Jaiden.

"Ah, we're not together." said Luke. Bummer.

"Oh!" Jai said and I changed the subject by asking them when they were leaving.

"So, do you know when you're leaving?" i asked them.

"Im not sure." Beau answered.

"When ever mom decides to go." Luke said.

"What are you two going to do? Like when we leave." Jai asked.

Me and Luke looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. "Im not sure." i answered. I guess ive never really thought about him leaving.

"I guess we will figure it out." Luke asked taking Lucas from Beau.

"What do you think about them?" i asked Beau and Jai.

"How did you two make such cute babies?" Beau asked.

"I mean have you saw us? psh." i said pointing from me to Luke.

"Yeah yeah, i cant believe you and Luke have children. You told everyone nothing was going on between you and now you have twins and your teen parents." said Jai.

"True, but they have the best parents and uncles ever." i said.

"Right about that." Beau said. Jai handed me Jaiden and i sat down in the rocking chair and they left.

We finally got the twins to sleep and we put them in their crib and left and went down stairs.

Everyone was down their besides my mom and Gina.

"Whats it like being parents." James asked.

"Its different." Luke answered. And he sat down pulling me into his lap.

"I knew something was up when you where making out when we made the video." Skip said.

And we hear some noise and in emerges mom and Gina.

"Aww, look at the cute couple." Gina cooed.

"Mom, we're not a couple." Luke whined and hid his face in the back of my neck. That hurt to hear, when the person you love says that.

Yes im in LOVE.

"Says the the people that have twins together." my mom said.

"Yeah when shes sitting on his lap." Gina said to my mom. 

"They act like where not even here." Luke whispered making me laugh. They turned toward us and eyed us suspiciously and i quite laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" my mom asked.

"Oh, nothing, how was the spa?" i asked.

"It was amazing." Gina said and my mom nodded in agreement."How was taking care of 7 kids?" Gina asked.

"Heyy!" Luke whined to his mother about calling him a kid.

"It was pretty good. i feed 2, 2 were asleep, and the other 3 where ok." I said and Luke squeezed me.  

James and Daniel came walking into the living room rubbing theor eyes. Sleepy heads.

"Good..." i looked at the clock to see what time it was. It read 1:30. "afternoon?"


At this point i dont know what to write anymore....

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