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Authors Note
. So long story short @Looney_Pie and I were doing this role play thing with the characters of my books and then it started to get really funny. So I thought I should add it in my book. :) :D


*The Dare (P.1)*

After 5 minutes of Will scolding me, he diverted his attention to Nicholas and his cut. I was sitting on the edge of the infirmary bed and Nicholas was sitting in a chair.

Will examined the wound. "Yep. Looks like I'll have to stitch this up." He stood up and looked around in the cabinets and brought out the surgical needle and thread. A bowl of warm water and a white towel. Will set the objects on a small metal table. And he sat in a green rolling chair. He dipped the towel into the warn water and clensed the blood from Nick's wound. "Now you're going to have to sit still."

Will threaded the needle and started to stitch the two pieces of severed skin together. Nicholas winced a bit.

Nick's dark brown hair was messy. Some tufts of hair stuck out and some tufts of his hair covered his eyes. His eyes, we're so compelling. So mesmerizing, it reminded me of pools of melted chocolate.

He was still staring at me.

"Can you stop?" I say agitated.

"Stop what?" A shit-eating smirk formed on his lips.

"Staring at me." I continue. "It's very rude. Is there something on my face?"

"Yep. Two green eyes, a nose, and a mouth." The smirk grew into a smile.

I wanted to throw something at him so badly. But Will is concentrating on stitching Nick's arm.

"Yeah, how about you turn your head right." Will said.

Nick turned his head to the wall. "But there's nothing to stare at but a wall."

"Exactly." Will mumbled.

I focused on how Will's wrist moved in the same momentum as the needle. Quickly the procedure was over. Will cleaned off the blood on the needle and threw the rag away in a red bin. He sat back in his chair and rolled his way over to us.

"Now your all stitched up. Come back here next week and I'll remove them." Will swiveled the chair to me. "And that goes to you too."

"Go on kids have fun. But not too much fun." He winked and I rolled my eyes. Nicholas chuckled in response.

I was the first to leave out the door.

"Hey! Autumn wait up!" I hear Nick's voice behind me. "Hello!" I quicken my pace. "You can't ignore me forever."

Once we were outside in the sunlight. I stopped walking and slowly turned around. "What do uou want?" I ask. Nick's face was only a few inches from mine. The burn mark on his cheek looked like a kiss mark. Was that from me? Again, Nick's eyes stared into my green ones.

"I'm waiting for an answer." I had my arms folded across my chest.

He combed his fingers through his thick brown hair. "I was wondering......if you........would like to come over to my party.......tonight."

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