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*New York P.3*

"Uh...it looks like an old taxi cab." I said after coughing my lungs out from the smog. The taxi cab was the color of yellow mustard and the sign that said 'TAXI' on the top of it was blinking.

"Yes that is the Chariot of Damnation." Jessica repeated once again. "Driven by none other than-"

Three old- and when I mean old I mean pizza that hasn't been touched in over a century old- woman poked their head out of the broken glass window.

One of them was sickly thin and she had one eye in her eye socket. "Get in we don't have all day! There is lots of more people who are waiting to be damned to hell!"

The short, plump, blob fish looking one nagged. "Give me the eye! It my turn to drive!"

"No," yelled the bald one with only a few strands of hair, and one tooth happily hanging from her mouth. "No, You drove the last time, now it's my turn!" They all wore grey robes and their skin was disgustingly the same color as the robe.

Nicholas got into the cab first. Then I went in and finally Jessica filed in as well.

"It's smells like something died in here." Nick gagged.

The thin woman with the only eye turned to us. "Something did." She smiled a toothless grin. That sent a cold chill down my spine. "Where are my manners-"

The plump one intruded. "You lost them two centuries ago."

The skinny one continued. "We are the Gray Sisters. I am Phemphredo or Wasp."

The one with the hair and tooth added. "And I am Persis or you can call me Tempest."

The plump one ended last. "Deino, my sisters call me Anger. But you demigods call me Deino. Or its the last thing you'll ever say."

Phemphredo revved up the engine. "Where is the location you want us to take you?"

"Times Square please." Jessica answered.

Deino cackled. "You must be a daughter of Aprodite."

Persis smiled as well, I could see the decaying tooth dangling like an ornament. Deino took the tooth out of her sister's mouth. "Hey!"

Deino cackled again as she showed the tooth up her gum. Gross! "It's my turn anyways-Ewww!- you forgot to brush it did you?"

Persis shrugged. "I can't see how dirty the tooth is. Maybe if I had the eye." She turned to Phemphredo.

Phemphredo pressed on the gas pedal. "Times Square it is."

"Where are the seat belts?" I ask closing my eyes. The car was moving way to fast to see anything clearly.

Persis laughed. "There aren't any!"

"Wohoo!" I heard Nick cheer.

The taxi cab turned a hard right and I the side of my head smacked against Jessica's head. "Ow!" We both cry out.
Then the car jerked to the left and I felt my lips smash against Nick's. I instantly pull away to Nick, who is grinning like an idiot.

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