Chapter 1

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"FARKLE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE, YOU'RE TAKING OF US TO SCHOOL!" I yelled as I packed my backpack and put on my combat boots.
"Give me five more minutes," he pleaded.
"Fine, two or I'm leaving without you!" I yelled again because he was in the bathroom for like thirty-five minutes! He's not a freaking girl it should take at least five. I tied my combat boots and started packing his things, because it's gonna take him ages to do that, too.
He ran down the stairs and put on his shoes as quickly as he could, even though his shirt was backwards! He grabbed his backpack and lead me to the car. We arrived at school and headed to class right away, since the bell rang as soon as we got there. I headed to English, but no one was in their seats besides the guys and Riley. But, I guess the teachers planned a meeting, because Mrs. Lightoller wasn't here, either.

"Uh, Riles, why the hell is everyone crowded in the corner," I asked since everyone was going crazy over the corner of the classroom. It's a corner it's not like there's anything fascinating about a stupid corner!

"Oh, right, you know that one actor you hate but everyone else loves..."
"Riles, I hate a lot of actors and actresses, be more specific,"
"The one that's your brothers best friend..."
"Are you freaking serious!" I yelled
It was the actor who put the ass in the word asshole! It was stupid, Lucas Friar!

Now everyone was looking at me. Damn my stupid mouth, yelling everything I think, UGH! I slumped down into my seat and just started drawing on my hand, until Mrs. Lightoller came. Which wasn't long, because she came in after two minutes of doodling.
"Class, sorry I'm late there was a surprise meeting we had to go to, everyone to there seats!" All the girls stayed in the corner by Friar, so Lightoller had to yell. Which woke me up pretty well!
She coughed before introducing Friar, to get everyone's attention. "Okay, guys we have a new student, Lucas Friar, please come and introduce yourself."
"Sup," He says
Seriously that's it, just,"Sup" Wow. I definitely hate you now! They made me tell them thing about myself! All he says us FREAKING SUP! STUPID!
"Okay, please take a seat behind, Maya Hart," Lightoller says and points to me. He does as told ,but keeps tapping me on the shoulder. He is so annoying, can he not! Once class ends, he stops me before I go into my next class.
"Ugh, what do you want!"
"Geez, we found a hater,"
"Can you maybe stop stalking me!"
"Sorry, but by any chance, are you related to Farkle Hart, or was that just a coincidence?"
"Yes, I'm his sister, now go away!"
"But this is my class, I think,"
"Give me your schedule!"

I take his schedule from him at look at it. We have all the same classes! NO! UGH! NOW I'M FORCED TO TALK TO HIM, HE'S IN ALL MY CLASSES, AND MY BROTHERS BEST FRIEND! UGH!
"We have the same classes," I say really gloomy just because he is making me mad and upset. He smirked at me then says, "I guess you can show me around then,"
I give him a death glare and walk into class. This is going to be a really, REALLY long day.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I won't be updating every single day maybe twice a week, we'll see! Bye!

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