Chapter 13

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{ Don't play til I say. Right Now by Sab }

I enter class with Lucas following. As usual, he sits behind me. I grab my math book out of my bag and just pretend I'm studying because if you haven't noticed yet, I really don't wanna talk to him. Unfortunately, he taps me on the shoulder, I don't turn around. I take a deep breath and keep avoiding him. Come on Mr. Borowitz, start talking! Coincidently, he starts talking! I look back slightly and it seems like he gave up. I put my elbow on the table and put my head on my hand and just listen to the lesson. The class is over after maybe a hour, we all get our death stack of like fifty papers. Then, I scurry away to choir, the only class Lucas doesn't take. I might have over exaggerated the first day we met, but it's okay.

This is one of the classes Riley's in with me, so this is my second favorite class, next to art/home ecc. I step into the room and go to my spot. We don't even have chairs! We get to sit on blankets! Our assignment, was to write a song and since I was gone, I got extra time, but I have to preform today. The piece I wrote was Right Now, and right now I am completely regretting it. This song is about Lucas and Riley will automatically know it by the chorus, but I don't have anything else to sing, so let's just wait 'til the next bell rings. I sit on my blanket and just think. What's Lucas gonna do? He's obiously not trying to avoid me, he's been trying to get my attention all day! ( like 3 hours but...) The second bell rings and almost everyone is now in class.

Mrs. Brooks comes out of her office, and we do our normal warm ups. We do the scale, from do to do, then just random vocal exercises. We were going to start our song for the preformance, but she brought it up. I sigh and go up to the front of the room. I didn't even fully open my eyes yet and I knew all of their eyes were glued to me. I take another breath and start.

{ play the song }

We'll never be as young as we are right now
We'll never see the world like we do right now
So take in what's around you
Put your camera down
Take a shot, give it all you got

I have a way of getting stuck on yesterday
I tend to miss the little things that come my way
Always looking forward, always looking back
They seem so near, but they're not here
Cause time moves on so quickly
Without or with me
I've got to take a breath

And slow down, slow down
My mind is racing
Catch up, catch up
I've gotta pace myself
I'm always wondering
But I don't need to go right now

Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin, to live your life
The present is our future past
We've gotta make this moment last
Right now

Have you ever noticed how your heartbeat feels
When you're nervous or excited
Cause it's getting real
Have you stopped to listen to what's in your soul
That's your intuition, and it always knows

Time moves on so quickly
Without or with me
I've got to take a breath

And slow down, slow down
My mind is racing
Catch up, catch up
I've gotta pace myself
I'm always wondering
But I don't need to go right now

Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin, to live your life
The present is our future past
We've gotta make this moment last
Right now

Right now, right now
Enjoy the ride, the ride that you're on
Right now, right now

Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin, to live your life
The present is our future past
We've gotta make this moment last
Right now

I finished the song and open my eyes, again. Mrs.Brooks smiled and wrote something down. As I expected, Riley had a smirk plastered on her face. I roll my eyes grab my bag and start for the door. The bell was about to ring and Mrs.Brooks let's us leave early anyways so Riley shortly followed. I head to lunch and once I enter, I amdiately head for the table take out my lunch and avoid any conversations with anyone at all. Riley nudges me, I look up, Lucas already has another girl. She looks like me, except she has glasses, is a brunette, taller, and has a completely differnt face then me. We could practically be twins! Note my sarcasm. I just continue eating my lunch and avoid any eye contack. What I did notice though, is that his new little girlfriend went to sit with her friends, so that's a plus. Farkle then tries to start a conversation, but fails miserably. Zay, just remains silent.

"Can you pass the ketchup?" He asks. I remain silent and pass the ketchup. He looks at me confused and so does Lucas.

"Maya, what's wrong?" I remain silent and stand up. "Where are you going?" I sigh.

"The bells gonna ring, Friar, gotta get to class." I smile lightly and walk straight out the cafeteria doors even though lunch ends in 15 minutes.

{ 2 hours later }

The last bell rings and I walk out of the school. I don't head to the car, I just start walking home. I really don't want to see anyone. Lucas isn't that far behind me, but I just hope he doesn't see me. Of course, he does and pulls me over to the side and holds me down by the wrist.

"What!" I scream at him. That came out more powerful than it should have. I'm just upset that he didn't kiss me and he moved on so quickly. He won't even acknowledge the fact that I am in so much pain from that. He looks real angry, but I don't really care right now. I've had a hard enough time avoiding him, and singing a song that will make Riley tease me for my whole life. Plus, again he's moving on too quickly, I can't control that and he's most certainly not mine, but it would feel nice if he would not go after another girl while I'm still dying on the inside from the incident! Guys domt understand our feelings. I don't really need this right now!

"You've been avoiding all of us the whole day, and you're not even giving a shit about what's happening. You won't even tell us why. I can understand why your avoiding me, but what I don't understand is that you not talking to your brother, or your best friend!" I look down and yank my wrists out of his hands. I push my way through the crowd that we caused and walk towards home. It probably took me 45 minutes to get there, but I didn't want to deal with them right now. When I got home, as I expected they were there. Well, Riley wasn't but the boys were, and his new girlfriend. They look at me as I open the door. I start walking to the stairs. But then, I stopped when Lucas called me.

"Hey Maya!" I turn around. "Do me a favor and give me those chips." He points to the one in his bag. He's acting like a deucé. I roll my eyes. I take the chips out of his bag and throw it at his face. I went upstairs and scream. I'm sure they're questioning why, but I don't freaking care. Maybe I was jealous or somewhat disappointed, but I deserve to be alone. So, I walk downstairs, and grab both their backpacks and throw them outside. They all look at me.

"Maya, what the hell are you doing!" Farkle yells over the volume of his game. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What does it look like I'm doing!" I look at Lucas. "Go, I want you and your bitch out of my house." Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, and stood up.

"Pumpkin, I don't even-"

"Don't call me that! Just leave!" They both head out the door. Lucas looks back at me and I slam the door in his face.


"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT FARKLE!" I run up to my room and scream once again. Three words. Boys. Are. JERKS!


For once I'm not going to bag on my own chapter, I'm actually pretty proud of this one. What will happen on at auditions tho? Will they still be mad at each other????
I'm out!

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