Chapter 6

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       When we woke up, we ate breakfast, well more like brunch and everyone left besides Asshole. I hung out with them for a while because I had nothing better to do. They were playing COD until someone rung the door. I went and got it and it was freaking MISSY! HOW THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW WHERE WE LIVE! WAS SHE STALKING US THE WHOLE NIGHT, WHAT THE FUCK! Asshole and Farkle looked at the door before I slammed it in her face. I waited until she left because I don't want her bullshit in our house. I took a deep breath and leaned against the door and fell back onto it. Between the "Oh my god"s or "COVER ME"s they actually acknowledged me.

   "Who even was at the door," Farkle asked. I really didn't want to answer that question because I also hate her name, so that wasn't gonna happen. I simply said "The Bitch your best friend is dating ," Asshole looked like he was mad at me, but I honestly don't know why. I love when he gets mad at me! It makes a real good story for Riley even though I don't approve of her shipping me. I went up to my room and started to scribble things in my writing journal. I started to draw Riley but I never finished it and I didn't want to until it was her birthday which is in like 7 months. I decided to draw Bridget Mendler because she is a freaking Goddess. I forgot my shading pencils in the living room, so I went back to well the living room and fell, again. I didn't fall totally on the ground, something cushioned me.

    It was Asshole, again. I stood in front of him and gave him my free hand and pull him up. "You gotta stop falling on me," He says. I think of the harshest come back which didn't come out too harsh, but I said," And you need to stop getting in my way." I took the jar with my pencils and went back to my room. I got a little side tracked drawing because I started singing to the songs I have on my phone, but the drawing looked pretty good. It was the cover of her album "Hello My Name Is" but it looked decent from all the others I've drawn. I hung it up on the outside of my closet next to my picture of Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. Then, (probably Asshole) tapped me on the shoulder, which made me jerk backwards. 

    "You have to stop doing that!'" I yelled at him.                                                                                                                    "Do what?" He asks clueless.

"Sneak up on me, Stupid!"

"Oh, someones cranky!"

"The only thing that's making me cranky right now, is you and so get out of my room and do whatever you do with Farkle okay." I say because I'm tired of this. He walks out of my room and stays in the doorway. I'm confused he does know I'm about this close to biting his head off right?   

"I told you to leave!"

"No, you said to get out of your room, I'm not in your room, and Farkle needed to finish up a science project so he told me to hang out with you."

 "I really want to bite your head off right now,you know that?" I question him because he stepped back into my room. 

"Oh, you really want to get killed,Asshole."

He laughs at that comment.

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