Chapter 21

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I sit on the couch and wait for the doorbell to ring. Riley told me that Shawn is coming over on Sunday and today is Sunday! She let all of us, even Lucas, come over to her house so we can meet him. Of course I know him, but the others only know of him. Even though Farkle is my brother and is Riley's best his best friend ( besides me, WE HAVE RINGS ), he didn't wanna go to the party. Weird, I know. Anyways, Farkle is just trying to avoid any contact with Lucas, they have dead air between both of them. The doorbell rings. I smile really widely and stand. Riley goes over to get the door. She opens the door and Shawn comes through the doorway. I look at Cory and squint, he does the same. We both race to Shawn but I get to hug him first.

"Hey kiddo." He smiles, I smile back. I let go and jump on the couch to let Cory spend his time with his best friend.

"SHAWNY!" Cory yells and hugs him really tight. I look away and turn my gaze to Farkle. He's standing in a corner trying to avoid contact with really anyone. I roll my eyes and walk towards him.

"Dude, you have to forgive him someday, I forgave him, Riley for- well, Riley hasn't fully forgave him. But still!" I exclaim. He just looks at me and shakes his head.

"Just because you like him doesn't mean I necessarily have to like him." I sigh.

"Come on, he misses you a lot. You can't exactly erase all those good memories you had together! That's pretty hard."

"Maya, don't you think I know that! I miss him too, but I hate what he did to you! He's hurt you a numerous amount of times! It's my job to protect-" I cut him off. Riley is just watching us, bored.

"You know what?" I smirk. I push him towards Riley and book it to Lucas. "Hey, no luck on the Farkle thing." I sigh.

"I think I know why." I furrow my eyebrows. "I literally just saw you push him towards Riley and run to me." He motions to them. I laugh and put my hands up in surrender.

"In my defense Riley looked bored, and it's my job, as her best friend, to try and push her and her cru-" I automatically cover my mouth. "Uhm, as her best friend, it's my job to uhm, make sure shes... uh... Happy! Happy, yeah."

"No, no, no, no, no ,no. What?" He asks and tilts his head towards me and cups his ear as if that'll help him hear me better.

"Uhm, why don't the poparazzi, come around the school?" I say trying to change the topic.

"One, don't change the topic and two. We said I'd they followed me they would get sued by my parents. We always win." I open my mouth to say something but Shawn walks over to us and squeezes in between. I just laugh. He stares down Lucas.

"Who's this?" He questions. Riley quickly turns to me and runs to cover my mouth. As I'm screaming she answers.

"This is Lucas, her boyfriend." She smirks. I lick her hand. "Eww! Maya!"

"He is not my boyfriend! That's not happening!" Shawn let's out a sigh of relief.

"Good. I would've killed him if he was."

"Yet." I mumble quiet enough so no one hears me and smirk at the ground. I think Lucas heard me because he let out a little chuckle.

"So, where's your mom?" He asks, my eyes widen and I smile.

"She's actually at work, unfortunately. I think she'll be off at maybe 3?"

"Great, I'll just let you and your friends hang out, have fun kiddo." He smiles and walks to Cory and Topy.

"I think we should go to the park and just walk." I stand up, but non of them stand with me. I sigh, "We can get some Chinese food afterward." Riley and Lucas stand up and Farkle drags all of us to the park. Food always gets him excited. We start walking but I stop when we are half way around the park. "You two gotta make up or I'm gonna go absolutely insane!"

"Maya, it's not gonna happen." Farkle says. My eyes roll automatically. Fine. I jump on Riley and she stumbles a little but manages to pick me up. She just laughs.

"Fine, if I can't solve this then you two have to make up on your own time. And you won't get food if you don't make up by Monday." I point forward, "Onward my trusty steed!" I laugh, Riley imitates a horse neigh and starts running and laughing. I jump off her back once we're far enough.

"So you and Lucas?" She playfully punches me and wiggles her eyebrow.

"You still ship us? Even though you still slightly hate him?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much, now spill!" I scoff.

"How about you go first. RIARKLE IS GONNA BE CANNON K?"

"Shut up!" She says.

"Nah, spill because I won't til you do."

"Okay, he may have made a slight move, but-" I stop her mid-sentence and we sit on a bench.

"ALL THE DETAILS, NOW!" I say very eager to know how this happened.

"We were watching The 100 and-"

"Without me!"

"Yes, now stop inturupting me!"

"Note- I'll stop."

"Yeah, anyways, we were watching season 2 and Clexa was happening, I was fangirling he was-"

"Wait, I'm sorry, what? Your a CLEXA fan?"


"Anyways I calmed down and he just put his arm around me." She shrugs.

"So I leave for like 5 hours and this is what happens, you watch The 100 without me, you convert to Clexa, and Riarkle is close to be cannon."

"Yeah pretty mu- wait, we are not cannon."

"I know, but we need to talk about the Clexa thing..."


I'm sorry this is kinda late but Idk when I'll update next week but I'll update. Oh and sorry Bellarke fans but I converted to Clexa... I DIED WHEN SHE DIED. BUT SERIOUSLY WRITERS! YOU COULD'VE WRITTEN A SUCH BETTER *SPOILER*



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