Chapter 10

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They both came into my room as soon as I let them in. I fell onto the ground and cried even more. Lucas wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. This made it worse because it wasn't gonna be like this tommorow. Farkle stepped out of the room to make a phone call probably to tell Riley or Mom what's going on. While he did that, I buried my head into Lucas' shoulder. I sat like this for a while until he started asking me things.

"Maya, what happened?" I didn't want to answer that question, because even though I despised Missy, he looks happy with her and I don't want to ruin it. I know I'm probably gonna regret this later but I have to lie to him.

"I have a fever. I just didn't want you to see me like this," I tried to half smile, but Lucas didn't buy it at all. But, it wasn't technically a lie I did have a fever, but still.

"Maya, seriously I know your lying, because you wouldn't be crying over a freaking fever. I only knew you for about a month or so, but I know your stronger then this!"

"Not with Missy it isn't," I mumbled/ cried under my breath. I didn't want him to hear me but because we were this close and I kind of yelled he probably did.

"What the fuck did she do to you!"

"It was nothing much," I cried some more," She just told me I was worthless and other stuff," it was hard to breathe now. I sobbed, but Lucas looked mad.


"She killed me! She killed me okay! She used my family against me!" Him yelling was making it harder to talk, I cried and sniffled in between two to three sentences. I took a deep breath and kept talking. "She used my own father against me! She said I was the reason he left. She said that I was useless and a mess. She told me he wasn't even there when I was born!" I cried even more, I hurt telling him this and not Riley, but she wasn't here and Farkle is probably trying to get her here. He kissed my forehead.

"It's okay, Superstar."

"I thought I told you not to call me that."

"You never told me not to, Pumpkin."


Riley burst into the room grabbed me away from Lucas and hugged me really tight! I was still crying but I was getting better. But, she hugged me REALLY tight, like the tight that makes it hard to breath. I love her but it makes me mad that she pulled me from Lucas, I was enjoying that moment we had together. Sadly, I know it's not going to be like this tommorow, because Lucas doesn't know how I feel, Missy is going to be spreading rumors and I'm a wreck. I motioned for Lucas to get out. I wiggled out of Riley's arms, and sat on my bed, I motioned for her but, she kept standing, she looked kinda mad.

"You lied to me! You said you had a fever!" Okay, it still wasn't a lie because the nurse did say I had a fever, so I technically didn't lie, again.

"I didn't lie, I really do have a fever, so I'm staying out of school." I frowned, Riley looked at me confused because I'm usually rejoicing because I hate school, but honestly it's not that bad. Even though my eyes are blood shot and I currently look like shit, I have something to look forward too, there's the auditions for the play, and the spring fling, but I highly doubt I'm still gonna be sick. I added on to my sentence,"I'm fine, I'm sick and a little hurt, but I'm fine."


"Missy just was being a bitch about my family and I cried, it's fine, Riles." I'm trying to calm her because she only swears when something important happens, so I'm thankful, for her caring, but I'm trying so hard not to cry laugh. It's the time when you laugh so hard you cry.

"Okay, fine." She hugged me again. "But I'm still bringing you your homework from the classes we have together, Lucas will bring the rest."

"PFT! You really think immana do homework!" I said in a really childish voice.

"Yeah I do, but I'm going to be your substitute mom until she gets home."

"You know, you really shouldn't be around me it might make it worse."
Which was true, but I also didn't want Riley taking care of me 24/7 I'll feel bad.

"Whatever, now go take a shower, get into bed, and I'll make soup."

"K mom." I said very sarcastically.

I heard, I think, Riley shooing Lucas and Farkle out of the house, even though he lives in this house too. I hoped into the shower and quickly cleaned my hair and things. After I put on my pajamas, (a loose t shirt, and left over, baggy Christmas pants) I went down stairs and turned on the tv. Riley was still making me the soup, but I turned on The 100, but I guess I fell asleep, because when I woke up my mom just got home.

"Mom?" I'm still super tired since I just got up but she usually doesn't come home this early.

"Babygirl, what are you doing sleeping on the he couch? And are you okay?" She felt my forehead," Maya! Your burning up!" She grabbed the probably already cold soup Riley made put it into a bowl and gave it to me. To my surprise it was still warm.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I have a fever and I'll go to sleep soon, but I need you to answer this honestly." She nodded. I took a deep breath and said it,"Why did Dad leave?" I guess asking that was harder than I thought because I started to tear up. Mom took a deep breath too.

"Honey, um, when you were little there was a storm and in the middle of the night you and your brother got scared of the storm because of the lightning and thunder, you remember that?" I nodded,"Well when you started to cry, I got up and comforted you guys right away, you dad still stayed asleep, because he had too much to drink the other night. When I calmed you guys down he was already awake when I came back to our room. He started packing his things because he said that he could handle you guys anymore, even when I was the one who worked my butt for all the money." She took a deep breath," he then drove off, and we haven't been in contacting each other since then," I was crying by the end of the story.

"So he left because of me?" I started to cry again. She stroked my hair and whispered things like 'it's going to be okay', or 'Maya, think happy thoughts'. "Mom?"

"Yes honey?"

"I'm so glad you stayed with us."


Okay this chapter was half bad half good, it was long but I like it! Do you guys like my long chapters? And NAME CHANGE! WOO! I'm changing my name to MrsLeiaSkywalker because Leia is a Skywalker and she's a real bad ass princess! So, hope you guys understand tho! Bye!

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