Chapter 15

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{ Money, Money, Money. ( or what i need) By Abba preformed by Meryl Streep }

"Riley, Anikan and Padmè was a more tragic love story than Romeo and Juliet. I'm just being honest." Which was true. Anikan almost killed his wife and turned evil. He never forgave her. All Romeo did was die with her, I personally think it's pretty stupid.

"Um, no! Romeo died because of true love! And that's domestic violence!" I turn to all the guys. Well, beside Lucas he wasn't at the table. Thank god for that!

"Which one is more tragic, Star Wars or Shakespeare." They all say Star Wars. "See, it's true!"

"Well what about you girls, the guys just picked Star Wars because they like that movie." All the girls say Star Wars too. But unfortunately, Smackle is the only one that watched all 7 with me.

"Actually, Romeo and Juliet and Padmè and Anakins relationships are quite similar, but Anakin willingly turned evil and assumed that he was the good guy. Romeo simply just died for Juliet. Anakin turned evil and almost killed Padmè for love. Padmè loved him and seeing him turn on her like that killed her. Romeo killed himself for an act of 'true love' that was never going to happen. Padmè and Anakin was a much more tragic love story." Smackle says and Riley is all pouty now. Okay, Riles. I laugh it's kinda funny watching her like this. My laughing stops when someone else comes at the table. It's Lucas. Not just that, he's with his stupid girlfriend Bobbette or whatever. I look down.
Everyone just continues to talk not acknowledging my sudden sadness. Well, besides Riley, she notices my every move. I stand up and leave the table.

{ After school. At Riley's house }

I lay my head on her shoulder and cry, again. I don't understand why I cry so much over this guy. I didn't cry over Josh. I mean why would I now, he was abu- My thoughts were interrupted by Riley.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I sigh.

"I don't know what I'm feeling Riles. There's many times that I hate him, I like him, and cry over him," I sniffle,"It's like the Red String of fate is pulling me in, up and down." I look up at her. "What's happening to me! I used to be so strong! I never cried over my dad, or Josh. Never! Then this baka comes into my life," My voice starts to shrink,"And I don't even know my left from my right anymore!"

"Maya, I know, I've kinda been through this with Farkle. He doesn't even know that I like him, and to see him sometimes try to flirt with Smackle kills me, and I get all jumbled up on the inside too. I just write all my feelings away."

"I already do that and it's not exactly working!" I yell or cry, I don't know how it came out. My eyes are probably huge and puffy, and my make-up is already ruined, so I just hug Riley and leave. She can't help me, I helped her get through the pain with Farkle, the tips she'll try and give me will be the ones I gave her. Ugh. I walk back home and see Huckleberry's car on the drive way. I should probably be worried, but I'm not. I don't care anymore. I hate feelings. I walk in and all three of them notice me right away. No, not my mom. His girlfriend. I sigh.

"Um, I should probably get going now...." She says and walks out the door. I think. I walk up the stairs and lie in my bed. Only when someone comes to knock on my door.

"Come in Huckleberry!" He comes in.

"How'd ya know it was me?" I roll my eyes.

"Farkle doesn't knock and my mom's never home."

"Oh, okay. Um, Maya," I sit up," we need to talk." He says. I raised my eyebrow even though I think I know what he's gonna say.

"Um, I don't really see the need to talk about our relationship rig-" He cuts me off by putting his hand on my mouth. I quickly smack it away and look at him.

"Oww! Well I know we aren't really on great terms right now, um but..." I furrow my eyes at him.

"Where is this going?"

"My girlfriend doesn't really like you, um, uh..."


"I don't really think we should hang out anymore." I frown then get angry.

"What!" I scream, Farkle bursts into the room with his head set on and control in hand.

"Can you not yell, I'm trying to play a game right now!" Farkle says.

"I'll stop yelling when Cowboy over here, agrees not to stop hanging out with me!" Farkle turns to Lucas.

"Lucas, if you stop hanging out with Maya, you're not hanging out with me!"

"Fine, I guess I'll leave." Lucas sighs.

"I guess you should." Farkle says with a stern look. Lucas grabs his things and starts heading for the door.

"Oh. See you at rehearsals." I mumble. I turn to Farkle. "I'm sorry, I'm ruining literally everything." He shakes his head.

"No your not. You are just confused or something," he pauses,"or your just on your period!" I scoff, " Besides that, if he messes with you, he messes with me."

"I'm ruining your friendship though." He sits down on my bed and I put my head on his shoulder.

"No, he's doing that on his own." He hugs me then goes back to play whatever videos game he's into right now. I sigh, once again. Auditions are tomorrow.


Aye okay, technically I'm uploading this on Sunday where I live, so it's a day late, but oh well. Sorry! I also feel like I put too much drama in my chapters. Lol. Anyways, guys can you comment random last names and first. I need a drama teacher and students. K thx bye plebs.

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