Chapter 4

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"Well what do you want me to do with it!" I say as I push away his tray. There was a huge green spot on his hot dog and he didn't want it.
"I was kinda hoping you would throw it away,"
I pushed it back to him his tray and continued eating my sandwich. Asshole came to the table, again, but it was the same routine everyday. Fangirls scream, they come running to our table, lunch ladies make them go away and repeat. It's actually quite annoying!
He then brings up this question,"So, can any of you guys sing?" That is the most stupidest question ever! Everyone at the table is looking at us now. Just to get it off our backs Riley and I say it in unison,"Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can sing!" We look at each other and laugh. Asshole gives me a suspicious look, because he obiously knows I can sing. Well, he's the stupid one for asking the question. Then some girl walks up to our table.
Brown hair, tall, looks like a Jennifer I don't know.
We all look at her, uh who does she thinks she is, we don't even know her! She then sits next to Asshole and kisses him on the lips, it turns into a tiny makeout session, but then I say,"Get a room, that is not full of people who vomit at this stuff!" She gives me an eye roll and continues making out with Asshole. Before we all get up I add,"I hope you swallow each other!" I smile at that thought. I sit down at the original table Riley and I sat at.
"So, do you guys know who the hell that girl is?" I ask breaking the silence. They look at me like I'm crazy. I never met her, can they cut me some slack! Like hell, I know no one!
Farkle finally says,"That's, Missy Bradford, M, you seriously don't know her?"
"First if all don't call me 'M', and I don't know anyone!" I take back my words because I know Zay, Farkle, Riley, Sarah, Darby, and the list go's on. We all start to laugh because of that stupid comment. Lunch ends and we continue to our classes.
After couple periods, school end and Farkle drives me and Riles to our house. Suprisingly, Asshole's luxurious car wasn't on our driveway. Eh, not my problem. Farkle go does his homework and Riles and I go to my room and sit on my bed and talk. She then brings up that shipping topic. Who the hell does she ship me with? Like damn, I'm not a shipping type. "Okay Riles, who the hell do you ship me with?" I ask because I'm kind of concerned, what if she has a shipping promblem? She doesn't answer but she texts me like she afraid someone's gonna hear!
R - I ship you with him.
That's so vague, thanks for the description. "I DON'T FREAKING LIKE ASSHOLE! Okay, please stop bugging me about that. But I swear if this goes too far, like with you making a shipping shrine, I swear Riles-" She cuts me off with a mischievous smirk and the words,"I didn't say Lucas," She keeps on grinning then adds," I might have to make a shipping shrine." She then starts to laugh. This isn't funny, Riles, I ain't a fictional character! I count down to three, but she gets the hint at two and sprints out the door.
"YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN!" I yell then chase her around the house. She then juked me at the front door, and someone comes threw the door and I fall on that someone. FRICKEN! I fell on Asshole. He tries to get up while I get up, but I push him to the ground and get up first. I give him my hand and he takes it. I run back up to my room and start screaming at her while she's laughing on the ground. She's gonna die someday, she then stops laughing and shows me the instagram account she made, "LucayaForLife"
Oh, she's definetly dead! She apologizes and asks me if I actually like Asshole. I actually do, but not in the way she wants me too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop teasing him and taking him down. We were both out of breath. She leaves and smirks on the way out. Today was pretty intersting.

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This chapter was RLLY fun to write hope ya'll enjoyed!

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