Chapter 18

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"Look, Pumpkin, if you want to see the paper then you can see the paper, I mean you do have eyes right?" I roll my eyes.

"I can't exactly do that when you're blocking my way! Now could you move!" I day trying to push him to the side. He chuckles.

"You can't move me, hun, it's not gonna work!" He says staying in the same place.

"Watch me." I mumble then kick him in the balls and shove him over. He lays there on the ground. He just lays there laughing. He's a idiot. I look at the audition sheet. I search for Ariel. Ariel, where are you. Ah! I found it! I look to the right of the name and smile. I almost turn to walk away but the look at it again. I sigh. Understudy. Damnit. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around.

"Why is my boyfriend on the ground?" She asks in a sassy tone. I laugh.

"Oh. He ran into my foot. Or, I may have kicked him, but why does it matter?" I ask still laughing because this reminds me of when Riley was rolling on the ground.

"I told you to stay away from him!" We start to build a crowd around us.

"It's not my fault that he was blocking the sheets. He just needed to get out of my way." I reply unfazed from her 'threaten'.

"Look, just stay away from him, okay! I can ruin your life." I scoff.

"I'd like to see you try." I turn away and start heading to class leaving her in shock from what I just did. I mean, I wasn't gonna let her win so...


I hop into the car and find Riley already sitting there. Okay, that is not that surprising okay. Farkle starts driving,"So did you get the part?" I look down and stay silent. Riley butts in.

"No, she didnt, but she did get understudy. I mean it's close enough, it's the next best thing right?" I shake my head. I mean I would be happy if anybody else got this part, even this car, but, I'm gonna sound really bratty, but I felt like I deserved that part. I work really hard and Mrs.Gecevis knows that. I just really wish somebody else got the part, not that bitch Emma. Obiously I hate her guts. Farkle, keeping his eyes on the road then asks another question.

"Then, who did get the part?" I sigh, I feel like anyone who says her name is gonna get cursed so I just don't say her name.

"That fucking bitch that dates Huckleberry." He looks at me for a second and turns his head back onto the road.

"Language." He states. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever Mom." I say sarcastically. I look back at Riley. She's just jamming, to what I'm assuming, is Disney music. She's 17 almost 18 and is still listening to Disney. She's still a kid on the inside. I glance outside the window. "Wait, Farkle you just passed our house." He turns up the music.

"WHAT!" He yells. I stick my tongue put at him. He shrugs. I lay back in my chair and recline.

"Hey Riles, mind sharing your ear buds?" I ask. I'm really bored and don't want to listen to Farkle's horrid music. She hands me the right ear bud. I put it in, I glare at her. She's listening to the cd I gave her with me singing all those Disney songs, she basically forced me to record that because she wouldn't except anything else for her last birthday party. When she opened my gift she acted all shocked and surprised on what I gave her. I take the ear bud out and wait. He parks the car. I step out of the car and smile. We're at a carnival. The last time I went to a carnival was when I was 10. It's been a while. Riley steps out of the car.

I turn to Farkle to try and say thank you but before I can Riley butts in and yells,"FACE PAINTING!!!! LET'S GO!!!!" She grabs my wrist and drags me to the little tent where they do face painting. I go in first because I'm just doing a little heart like Harley Quinn has, so that only takes about 3 minutes. I come out pleased. These were free so that was a plus too. I sit down on the bench next to the tent and wait for Riley to come out. It's probably gonna take a while, she'll be painting her entire face. I take out my sketch book once again and start sketching a little girl with her mom. After I'm almost done the little girl comes up to me and sits down.

"What are you dwawing?" She asks. She can't pronounce her R's! That's adorable! Her mother walks up to her. At least I assume that's her mom.

"I'm so sorry, I look away for one second and she's wandered off..." Bad parent much? I smile.

"No, it's fine. She was just asking what I was drawing. Oh, I was actually drawing her and I'm done. You can have it if you want." I gesture it to her. She shakes her head.

"No, I couldn't possibly take this wonderful piece if art. No it's okay." She pushes it back towards me. I look at her daughter.

"Would you want this?" I ask her. She nods her head repeatedly and then gently takes it from me. I just laugh. The woman sighs.

"Thank you, how much?" She asks as she pulls out her wallet.

"No, it's free, it's for your daughter."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Mrs..." My sentence trails off, I don't even know her name. I'm just relieved that she didn't think I was a creep for drawing her child.

"Kossal." She say, then shakes my hand and walks off with her daughter. I smile. Just then, Riley walks out of the tent with a purple cat on her face. I laugh.

"Glad to see the purple cats back in the buisness." I'm still laughing.

"I know right! Let's go take pictures!" She drags me to the photo booth puts in a dollar and we take four silly pictures together. I take one of the two strips of camera roll that comes out. We head back to the car and wait for Farkle to come back. Today was pretty great. Well besides this morning, but still.

I can finally see you're as fucked up as me, so how do we win? IF YOU KNOW WHERE THAT IS FROM I LOVE YOU BECAUSE I HAVE A GREAT OBSESSION OVER HER. As you can tell this is a more Rilaya based chapter because um, Rilaya is end game if lucaya or rucas doesn't work out.

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