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Taylor's P.O.V

I sped out of the store, my breath hitching.

Cheshire is a small ass town, so how on earth did I manage to bump into that dick again?!

"Hey! Wait!" I heard a manly voice catch up behind me, before darting in front of my path. I rolled my eyes distinctly, proving my point that I didn't want to see him.

"Your a man whore, don't talk to me pervert," I spat, mentally applauding myself.

He sighed, and stepped closer still so that he was close to 6inches away from my face. He pulled out a packet of cigarettes, flicking the lid open casually.

An awkward silence mustered the air, until I finally cleared it.

"You smoke?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in disgust - why would someone waste their life away like that?

He smirked, and shrugged.

"Sometimes," I could instantly tell he was a bad boy, looking for a slut. I am NOT what he is looking for, for sure.

I shook my head, and dodged past his view as I heaved the shopping bags to my car.

"Bye!" He called out, as I tucked myself into my Audi. My Dad bought it for my my 25th birthday last year, much to my delight. He still hasn't got over my mothers death two years ago...


"Ar are you home? Can I come over?" I sighed through the phone, at her simple answer.

"Be here in 10 or else," a slight giggle was heard through the phone, before the call abruptly stopped.

I grinned, as I shook my head. How grateful was I to have a great friend like Arianna? Very grateful.

The roads were close to clear, as the town's end-of-work-or-school time as hours ago.

The odd motorbike or scooter sped passed, but nothing close to a car.


"Bitch I'm here!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the household. Ari and her boyfriend (Jason) were the only ones who lived here, along with her two Persian cats - Tarzan and Eagle.

"Hello!" Jason called out, friendly hugging me. We had been friends since high school, and I was the matchmaker in their relationship.

"Hi boo," Arianna jokingly shoved Jason out the way, and hugged me tightly while sticking her tongue at her partner.

He rolled is eyes, and walked away.

"Tits before dicks am I right?!" Ari yelled, causing me to laugh a lot.

"Fries before guys!" I laughed,

"Hoes before bros"

"Ooh!" I yelled excitedly, "lashes before moustaches!"

We fell down onto the couch, laughing way too much at ourselves.

"We're so good at that!" She laughed, wiping her smudged mascara off of her lightly tanned cheeks.

I nodded, agreeing her statement.

After we finally calmed down, I coughed lightly.

"I saw him at Sainsbury's." I blurted out, face palming.

"What?!" She yelled, gawping at me. She was completely lost for words as was I.

"He walked into me, and I yelled at him and then ran away - but! - he stopped me in the parking lot. He smokes Ari! Super gross!" I gagged, imagining his lungs twisting into a black figure.

Arianna sat staring at me, open mouthed. She shook her head.

"Listen to me Taylor. He CLEARLY has something for you, and you need to take it." She droned on as I shook my head defiantly.

"No way."

"Yes way Taylor! I'll get hold of his number, and I swear I will get the two of you together," she replied, just as confidentiality.

"You know what," I stood up frustratedly. "Whatever, I'm going home,"

"Taylor, I'm doing it for you man! For you!"

"Whatever, I'll message you tomorrow or something," I flicked my hand as I carefully shut the door. Sometimes she could be so persistent.


Harry's P.O.V

"'ey Loo!" I shouted through the flat, spreading myself over our sofa.

I heard loud footsteps clatter down the stairs, before Louis swung into the room and dived onto the other end of the sofa.

"Alright?" He asked, nodding at me in a greeting form.

"I saw tha' blonde haired red lipped girl again at Sainsbury's." I said, as casually as possible, although I was fizzing inside.

"I reckon you've go' a crush on 'er." He smirked, laying on his back. I kicked his arm, and turned on the T.v.

Maybe I do


Written by - Cat

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