And It Continues

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As we walked into a dark and dim room I could feel my cheeks heating up, and from the corner of my eye I could see Harry smirking because he could see it.

"I have to admit, you have a killer body. With or without a dress on." I give him a shove and shut the door.

"In a rush are we? We have a while, plus I doubt you'll last long." He said chuckling under his breath

"Well since you'll never live to find out, it shouldn't be a problem." I winked and lay back onto the comfortable bed.

"This bed is so nice and comfy, I want to fall asleep." I inhaled and exhaled relaxed.

"I would know all about that since it's my bed." I quickly jumped off and tried to conceal my body with my arms.

"It's okay, I've seen uglier bodies. You're pretty fit actually." He said with that smirk plastered across his face.

"Wow, thanks, it gives me great joy to know that the biggest womanizer of the town think I'm hot. So much joy." I said as sarcastically as possible.

"I never said you were hot, I just said you were fit. There is a fine distinction between having a nice body or having the full package. In your case sure you have the looks but if I'm being honest you're a mean person therefore you don't have it all, Sadly, but I'm down for  hooking up if you'd like." I don't know why but that actually hurt.

"You don't even know me, so don't you dare judge me. I've been through a ton of shit and don't need more of it from you." I practically screamed but I doubt anyone but him could hear because of the music.

"That's because you won't let me know you, I can tell that something bad has happened, someone broke your trust and you most likely don't let anyone in. Well guess what, I've been hurt before as well princess, but I deal with it and I trust people. That's the difference between you and I, so can you stop being such a stuck up bitch for 2 minutes and just open your eyes and take in the world around you. Trust me, it will hurt less." I don't know why but him shouting and being mad was incredibly sexy.

"Fine, you win. I'll get to know you and you can get to know me, but if I don't like it you have to promise to leave me alone and never speak to me again." In what felt like the blink of and eye Louis burst through the door.

"What are you two lovebirds up too." He and Harry both shared that ever present smirk.

"Nothing, can you give us a second." Harry mumbled very quietly.

"Sureee." He ran out the door and slammed it shut.

"Deal, let's "get to know each other", I can guarantee it will help and over time you will grow to love me, they always do." He stood up and walked out of the room only to come back and prop his head through it again.

"Oh and by the way, nice underwear."

I only just noticed that I was wearing black lace underwear with a matching black bra, obviously to match my dress, not to state that I was looking to have sex in the near future.

I walk out from his bedroom and grab my dress and attempt to put it back on couldn't manage to reach the zip at the back.

"Need some help?" I could feel his breath on my neck, I nodded and he zipped it up for me at this point everyone was staring and some people even awing. I moved away hastily and picked up my cup that was full to the rim with vodka.

"Thanks." I muttered whilst turning around and going back to enjoy the rest of the party.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. Please vote comment and share.

Written by ~ Yasmin

The Bad Boy's Bad Words (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ