Truth Or Dare?

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Taylor's P.O.V

I blushed, and pinched Ari's arm.

"Can I talk to you," I gave her no time to reply as I pulled her away.

"What the hell!" I yelled, breathing heavily. I was so mad at Ari.

"You guys are made for each other like peanut butter and jelly! And anyway, he's not causing any harm so chill out and let's go get a drink. Oh! And it's his house!" Ari rolled her eyes and walked away.

I exhaled, and turned around. I pulled my dress down again, as it slid up my long legs.

"Oomph," a tall hard figure crashed into me, sending me straight onto the floor. On the way down, my head skimmed the corner of a desk, causing me to let out a small yelp before I hit the floor.

Harry's P.O.V

I watched her pull Ari away, leaving me slightly drained. I wanted to see her again, make it known to her that I'm not a complete dick all the time.

My eyes were fixed on her as she yelled at her friend. Her dress exposed her long legs, and her makeup remained the same - red lips, light eyes.

Louis nudged my arm, breaking my stare. I turned to him, beginning to roll my eyes.

"You told me she wouldn't be here. Now that I think of it though, it was kind of suspicious that you managed to bring up that subject randomly. I don't like her, okay?!" I managed to finish my sentence, only just.

Someone backed into my side, pushing me only just. I was about to swing at them before I realised who it was.


She collapsed on the floor as she knocked her head on a desk.

I tried to make a grab for her as she fell, but I missed her wrist. She lay on the floor in pain.

Louis dashed over, pushing me out of the way as I stood, utterly shocked.

"She's okay Loo," I lied, pretending to be chilled out.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she sat up, prodding the side of her head lightly.

"Ouch." She shook off Louis's hand, and heaved herself up. Arianna rushed over to her, embracing her into a hug.

"Hey are you okay?!" I somehow heard Ari over the music. I saw her nod, making me un-tense.

Louis sent over a subtle nod to Arianna, catching one in return. Suspicious.

"Hey Harry, meet Arianna, Arianna meet Harry." Louis pulled my arm over to the grinning girl, who waved and me shyly. I gave her a small smirk.

"Hi Harry. This is Taylor. I hear you guys have met before?" She smirked at Louis, as Taylor frowned at me. I nodded.

"Do you guys want to come and have a drink with us? Quick game of truth or dare?" Louis smiled at the two girls, who nodded eagerly.


Arianna's P.O.V

We sat on the balcony, sipping from plastic cups and laughing with each other. Between Harry or Taylor, no romance could be felt and I could tell by the way they were sat as far away as possible from eachother.

"So, truth or dare Taylor?" I blurted out. Me and Lou had already planned out the whole game - well, one part of it.

Taylor put on a thinking face, before answering the obvious.

"Truth. Imma play it safe!" She giggled, tipsyness taking over her. Her words were beginning to slur.

"Two years ago. Was it you who broke my chandelier?" I smirked. I knew I would get an answer from her now that she was in this state.

"Yeah, I swung too hard," she hiccuped, brushing her hair out of her face.

I laughed I shook my head. I knew it was her.

"Louis, truth or dare," Taylor grinned.

"Dare!" Louis shouted excitedly.

"I dare you to pour two beers over the next person who walks out of the front door." Taylor smirked. This was the perfect dare, as we were sat directly above the entrance to the party.

Louis shrugged, and grabbed the beers out of Mine and Harry's hands. He peered over the balcony, before emptying the contents on a person below.

The splashing of the liquid could be heard...A scream pierced the night.

"What the hell!" A bitchy ass girl called out, glancing in disgust at Louis and the rest of us. Louis held up his middle finger, smirking.

"Well then. Harry, truth or dare?" Louis smirked at me, I let out a small giggle.

"I dunno, dare?" He shrugged, standing up.

"I dare you to go in your bedroom alone, with Taylor." I blurted out excitedly, clapping my hands.

They rolled their eyes.

"Your clothes stay here," Louis smirked at me.

Their faces dropped.

"You can't turn it down! Come on, clothes off and Louis will take you to the room!" I stood them both up.

Harry seemed quite eager to remove his shirt, whereas Taylor began to cower back in her seat.

"Come on Taylor!" Louis clapped.

"No way am I going in a room with him by ourselves, let alone half naked!" She complained, pointing angrily at Harry.

After minutes of complaining, I finally convinced her to do it. But she was adamant she would remove it just before she went into the bedroom, to 'protect her privacy.'

They slumped to the door of the bedroom, where Taylor quickly whipped off her dress and dashed into the room.

Written by- Cat

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