'Lil Bit Of Comfort

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Taylor's P.O.V

Jesus Christ.

Can a girl not just go out with her best friend UN-disturbed. No boys, no other girls, just them.

Harry had continued to bug me, touch me and attempt to hug me throughout the whole 2 hours. Frickin hell.

The worst thing about all this was, my best friend Arianna had organised this. Does she not know I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone at the moment, especially Harry.

Message to - Ari

"No worries, just invite the guy I hate. I do not want to be in any romantic relationships at the moment okay? Leave it"

Clicking send, I unlocked my front door and stumbled into the apartment somewhat near the town centre of Holmes chapel in Cheshire.

My feet are killing me and these shoes are too small. There's go's another £20! Oh yeah, adding onto the expenses of NORMAL lingerie. NORMAL.

Message from - Ari

"Taylor, you cannot just stay being single your whole life okay?! Get out some more, flirt or whatever! I'm just trying to help u xx"

Jesus Christ Arianna, I don't want your help!

Message to - Ari

"I appreciate that Ari, but I'm really not ready for a relationship! I just got out of Uni for gods sake!"

A reply came back short after

Message from - Ari

"Away T! No need to be snappy!"

If this is her idea of snappy, she really needs a reality check.

Message to - Ari

"Honey this isn't my snappy. Please stop with this whole Harry thing.

I heard a ring of the doorbell, shortly after I received a ping on my phone, which could wait honestly.

I scuttled to the door and swung it wide open, giving off a reflex smile. Bad idea.

"Oh it's you," I frowned, as Harry stepped past me into my house. He clicked in his mouth using his tongue, and gave an awkward wave. Perfect, just make this whole thing awkward.

"I'm your Valentine's Day present, whoo!" He said, bringing out a small rose from inside his leather jacket. I gave a small grin, and took it from his hand.

"Thanks. What do you want," I asked him, as he slid his shoes into the small cabinet I'd put on the floor. It was really just to stop my two cats Meredith and Olivia from attacking my shoes.

"I heard about you and Arianna's lil fight, so as a good friend I thought I would pop in to comfort you. Surprise!" He said.

"How do you know?" I asked, walking him through to the living room awkwardly,

"Sources. Can I have some water please, I just rode my motorbike here and my mouth is dry as fuck," he asked.

"Don't swear in my house," I snapped, prodding him with my carefully manicured finger. I chucked him a water bottle from my fridge, and watched him smoothly chug it down.

It was weirdly mesmerising, watching him sip on this water bottle.

"Creep. Stop looking at me," he grinned, snapping me out of my stare. Thank you hormones.

"I wasn't staring. Anyway, you want any food? You can put the T.V on if you'd like." I waved my hand around as I sipped orange juice from a mason jar.

"No, I'm here to comfort you. Come sit and let me pat your head," he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

As I sat down on my sofa, he started legitimately patting my head. I slapped his hand off, laughing. His dimples creased his cheeks, causing a strange feeling in my stomach. What the hell is going on.


Ew it's Valentine's Day.

Anyway, Vote, Comment and follow our accounts cateeddie  and yasmin334 :)

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