Cozy Apartments

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Taylor's P.O.V

As I was waking back to the table I saw Zayn looking at my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked as casually as possible.

"Harry called you, I told him where we are." He said not making eye contact with me.




"NO LET ME FINISH," I said pointing at him.

"Taylor, I know Harry!" At this point the Niall and the other waiters were staring, the customers were whispering amongst themselves and I was stood there dumbfounded.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I know Harry, he was my friend but I sort of slept with his ex and only girlfriend." He looked at his feet, ashamed.

I was literally speechless.

"Well.. We have to get out of here before he comes, I don't know if I can face him right now. Please?" We weren't making eye contact. It was awkward but thank god Niall walked up to us when he did.

"Hey, do you want the check?"

"Yeah we do." Says Zayn.

"Thank you." I replied simply.

"Let's go to the other club." He paused, before glancing back at me, "Or do you want to go straight to my apartment?" He questioned after seeing my expression when he mentioned another club.

"Let's go to your apartment. I mean if that is okay with you, you know, not staying with your friends."

"I'd much rather hang out with an beautiful girl like you." He said as he threw money on the table, and headed towards the door.

We were walking down the streets of London and I realized that I've never seen London at night.

I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my entire life, and as twisted as it sounds, I'm glad I ended up in London with Zayn. He's actually really sweet and really hot. But then I remembered, he slept with Harry's girlfriend.

"This is me." He said pointed at a large series of apartment blocks.

"Your last name's Malik?" I said reading the buzzer's name tag.

"Yeah, let's go up." I just nodded and he opened the building door, as slowly as he possibly could. It was as if he was hiding something else, his movements were slow, cautious in a way.

As he twisted the key in it's lock, at the same raise as he dropped his phone, smashing the screen.

"Shit." He cursed revealing a shattered screen.

I walked into his apartment and saw that it was extremely cozy and smelt like vanilla. It was cute. I sprung my bag onto the sofa.

"This is a cool place you have here." I said while spinning around trying to absorb my surroundings.

"Thanks, uh, you want a drink or something?"

"You don't have anything strong, do you? like bourbon or scotch?" He just laughed.

"Yeah I do, are you even 18?" I nodded and I bit my lip.

"Okay I'll go get some just make yourself at home." He said pointing to the sofa.

He came back a minute later, two drinks in hand and came and sat next to me on the sofa.

"Zayn, how do you know Harry?" I had to admit we were awfully close and our legs were intertwined.

"Long story."


"So you're the youngest child?" I laughed whilst sipping my 4th glass.

"Yeah, my parents always treated me the best though, they said I was there little angel."

I ran my finger along his stubble under his lip.

"You know, you do look awfully like an angel." Our faces were inches away from each other.

"Well you look like a goddess so I think you win." Our lips were about to touch when all of a sudden there was banging on the door.

As the door swung open it reveled a not-very-impressed Harry.

And then Black...

You'll see why...

I'm so excited for this book!

But before you start shipping Zayn and Taylor, this is a Haylor fanfiction so there is going to be a twist somewhere. Hehe.

Vote, comment and share!! We love you all.


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