Bailed and Crazy

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Harry's P.O.V

The clock stared back at me.

I'd been sat for two and a bit hours now, waiting to be let out - my bruises were killing me.

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and slouching down in my chair, chewing the gum between my teeth.

"Hey," I caught the attention of one of the police officers, "when am I leaving?"

He instantly shut the little window on the door of my cell, as I leapt up and marched to the door, bashing on it harshly.

He slid open the hatch again.

"I said-"

"Son, I know what you said. Keep your trap shut or you'll not be gettin' out for a while," his Yorkshire accent was strong.

I wanted to rip out his vocal cords.

"Aye, yeah mate, wait till my girlfriend comes and bails me out," I pointed my finger at him.

He sniggered, and turned away, "I doubt she'll be yours for much longer after what you did, what was it? Beat the shit out of her new lover?" He laughed.

I gritted my teeth.

"She doesn't love him, she loves me."

"Well, we'll see about that later on today, when she comes to speak to you."

"She's coming?" I clawed at the bars.

"Sure is," he slid the hatch shut again, and I sighed heavily, growling as if I was a beast.


"Mr," the guard glanced down at his paperwork, "Styles, you've been let out on bail, congratulations."

I stopped chipping away at the paint on the sad, bleak walls and slowly turned to look at his sour, jealous face - it wasn't that he was jealous because I had been bailed and he hadn't, he was jealous because I was leaving this little shit hole, and he was not.

Slowly lumbering beside him, he led me to the entrance, where I noticed a familiar figure - Taylor.

She was wearing black sunglasses, that covered the majority of her face, and dark purple catsuit that flowed out at her legs.

Not once did she look me in the eye as we trodded out of the station, I was pissed.

"Right," she began.

"Just, don't speak a'right?" I scowled, pulling a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it quickly whilst sheltering it from the wind - I used to smoke, but I taught myself to hold back. Now it's all returning.

"Don't bring that in my car," she suddenly became quieter, as if she was afraid of me.

I looked at her as I scowled, before ignoring her and clambering into the passenger seat, rolling down the window and tapping the role on the ledge.

"Turn this shit off," I spat, as the radio blurted out.

She didn't speak, although she quickly leapt forward and turned it off.

"Aren't you going to thank me for-"

"For fucking what Taylor?" I infuriately smacked the dash board, "for calling the police on me for beating the shit out of that cunt? For trying to make me fucking jealous perhaps? Oh I know," I sarcastically cocked my head to the side, "wasting a fucking year of my life!"

She slouched down in her seat, quivering.

I took a deep breath.

"Who, who are you? You're not the boy I was making love to the other day, your a sick, bashful dickhead! I went through your shit for a year, all to watch you build your anger up again and turn back to this, this monster!" She exploded, slamming the brakes on the car at the traffic lights.

Taylor's P.O.V


This was what he once was, before he became inhumane.

He, he has that look on his face, in his eyes, like it's returned - the foul, emotionless git.

"Watch the fucking drivers," he muttered, sipping on a bottle of water that then became a part of the road.

I didn't say a word in return.

My foot practically impaled the pedal, as I pushed harder and harder, gritting my teeth.

"Taylor slow the fuck down man, what are you doing!" Harry yelled.

It brought me back to my senses, as I tore my foot away, narrowly missing a black Toyota that I was catching up on slowly.

I broke into tears.


Vote, comment and follow main - cateeddie ❤️❤️

Written by - Cat

The Bad Boy's Bad Words (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora