A Little Bit Sore

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Taylor's P.O.V

My weary eyes traveled up to the clock situated on the beige hospital walls.


Harry's eyes were still firmly shut as the eyelashes delicately fanned themselves over his pale cheeks. His body lay almost lifeless in a coma-like sleep.

I'd called Gemma and Ms. Styles not long ago, they confirmed that they were on their way instantly.

Davison left a while ago - something about a job she had to do.

She left her phone number and email.

I glared at the clock once more, praying that he would open his eyes instantly.



"Oh my gosh," Ms. Styles awoke me as she bustled into the room. I shot up out of my chair, seeing Gemma almost instantly turn away in horror of what she was seeing.

"Taylor, dear, what on earth happened!?"

I hung my head, "it was a party accident, he fell, he fell off of a balcony in the woods. A broken left leg," I paused, "a small concussion, and a pretty messy break to the left small finger." I let out a small whimper of a cry, as Gemma pulled me into a hug.

"I should of taken better care of him," I shook my head, "I'm so sorry," Gemma held onto my arms and looked at me.

"It's not your fault Taylor, don't blame yourself for this," she glanced at the almost lifeless Harry collapsed on the bed. I shuffled quietly, as I nodded.

Ms. Styles had taken my space in the seat beside Harry, which I completely understood - it's her son, after all.

She had her hand placed upon his own as she caressed his smooth, pale cheek.

"I'm sorry," I hung my head.


Harry's P.O.V

Whether or not Taylor liked it, I could hear her every word.

I think it's a coma that I'm in, although I was awake earlier on. Maybe I'm just - no, I'm just unconscious.

Then all of a sudden, I felt my eyes inch open.

And I heard Taylor gasp.

"Nurse!" She exclaimed as she leapt up from her chair. I blinked slowly, and looked up to her.

She had tears forming in her blue eyes, as she smiled slowly.

"Hey," she whispered, sitting down.

"Hey," I huskily mumbled in return, "I'm a bit sore."

"Yeah," she sighed, "I'm not surprised. You broke your pinky finger and your leg, and managed to get a concussion. It's my fault, I shouldn't of made you do that, I should of stopped you-"

"No," I cut her off, "I shouldn't of been so childish as to believe that I'm getting old."

She grinned, "you are getting on now-"

"Shut up you!" I laughed painfully.

The nurse scuttled into the room, noting down something on his clipboard.

"You've made a rather miraculous recovery from what I can see Mr. Styles. I reckon you'll be out by later on today. Although I suspect with taped up fingers and crutches," the Nurse sighed.

Taylor squeezed my hand happily, as I grinned.

Taylor's P.O.V

I let out a sigh of relief as the nurse left the room. Harry glanced over to me, and smiled tiredly.

"You look exhausted, do you want some coffee or whatever?" I shrugged, gesturing towards the sad cafeteria down the hallway, filled with nothing but disappointed and upset visitors - I on the other hand, was just worried.

"I'm okay, I'm just sore that's all," he attempted to push himself up the bed as he groaned in pain - I rushed to his side and grasped onto his tensed biceps - they were smooth and tan.

"Here," I smiled, as I rearranged his pillows.

"I hate hospitals, especially this one," he hung his head as he fiddled with his fingers. I sat down and pulled my chair closer to his bed.

"Why's that?"

"My Dad died in this hospital. It brings back so many memories, how I went absolutely mental after he died. I did bad shit. Said even worse shit. I ruined people's lives, made them insecure and scarred them," he looked up, "then I met you."

I felt my lungs inflate, and it was as if all this information gave me the air and power for them to do so.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you Taylor, but whatever it was, it was the best decision I've ever made in my fucked up life."


"Take it easy!" The Nurse called out as we rushed from the hospital. Harry laughed as he launched himself up on his crutches, I sniggered and told him off.

"Careful!" I laughed, glancing around me at the onlooking strangers with disgusted expressions on their faces.

"Who cares about them," he whispered in my ear, gesturing towards the locked car ahead of us.

Clicking the button on the keys, I pulled open the door for Harry, and watched as he struggled in. His crutches ended up in my arms, as he rested his leg up on the dashboard.

I laughed, and shook my head.

"Lets go home? I'm exhausted I'm telling you," he pulled his beanie off and threw it in the back of the car - I watched it slide down the seats.

"Yeah," I turned the engine off, "let's."


Late update again I'm sorry.

Vote please guys - we're rarely hitting the 5 votes mark anymore, it's kind of upsetting considering we put effort and time into these chapters.

Sorry for the low note

Written by - Cat:*

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