Sisterly Drama

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Harry's P.O.V

So at this point I have really screwed up. I've been pacing around my living room for hours in need of an amazing idea. So far I have nothing.

I'm a complete wanker. I messed things up with the one person who believed in me. The one person who could make me laugh, cry and cause me so much happiness just by being in my presence. The one person who gave me a so many chances.

My phone started buzzing...

Arianna - calling

I answered on the first ring.


"Hi" she said quietly.

"What's wrong? Is Taylor okay?" I was worried now, why else would she call me?

"Taylor's pissed, but fine." She sighed.

"So," there was a brief pause before words fell from her mouth "I called to make sure we were on the same page about the kiss."

As if memories from that night, long ago, could get any worse.

"Yes," my eyes widened at the thought, "no one will ever know."

She sighed into the phone, obviously relieved.

"Oh," her voice lightened "and I called to invite you to a wedding, it's my sister Florence's coming up soon and I need you to come for both mine and Taylor's sanity. She's not been exactly taking the Kendall news well."

"Yes I'll come, where and when is it?" Against my will, I agreed. I hate weddings.

"Next week," she muttered.

"Next week?!" I leant against the sofa, nibbling on the ends of my nails, "I don't know. That's pretty soon, I need to get an outfit and everything."

"Listen, I know that it's kind of soon, but just imagine Taylor's reaction if you turned up looking sexy and keeping your shit together for once. That could amend you guys, maybe," her words made me think - this could in fact benefit our relationship. And I bet she'll look beautiful in a bridesmaids dress, not to mention hot.

"Well," I ran my fingers through my thick brown hair, before sighing heavily, for what felt like the millionth time today, "Whatever, I'll be there."

"God bless you Styles," her American tone never seized to enlighten me, due to the fact that I only ever hear hers, and her completely devilish and jaw dropping best friends.


Taylor's P.O.V

"I don't know," Florence huffed, as we twirled in unison to show of the bridesmaids dresses we were modeling.

We were momentarily pinning our hair back in a messy up-do, using only our hands and a couple of bobby pins we'd scavenged from behind the counter.

Arianna stomped down her heel and stepped off the podium.

"Florence," she walked up to her sister, "I have gone through so much to get these damn dresses here today so you can see them for yourself. We are getting these ones."

Jess, Olivia, Sofia and I were all looking backwards and forwards at the ongoing argument as if it was a tennis match.

"I'm sorry Arianna, I didn't realize that this was YOUR wedding!" Florence snapped the lid of her compact powder shut and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"And I'm sorry, because I didn't realize that my time could have been set on something else than your damn bridesmaids dresses!" Arianna turned to face us, "no offense guys."

Florence raised her eyebrows before standing up.

"I'd like to buy these for my sisters wedding please!" She slyly asked the shop keeper, before  grinning at everyone BUT Arianna, much to her disgust.

Arianna's mouth fell open as she watched her pessimistic sister leave the shop. She turned around to face us quickly, crossing her arms firmly across her chest.

"She has to be joking."


Guys we are the worst human beings on earth, fr.

We're so sorry we've been so shit at updating lately, and hopefully we can make it up to you somehow:*

Oh and PS, we've been loosing votes recently, and I don't mean to be ungrateful, but it's kind of upsetting:( although we're very grateful to have any at all, we're just slightly confused as to why we've been getting less votes)

PPS sorry this is a short chapter

PPPS cat is sick atm so new chapters will be pretty speedy soon!

Written by- Yasmin and Cat;)

The Bad Boy's Bad Words (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ